Vasectomy & Faithlessness

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My husband had a vasectomy after the birth of our second son because I had post-partum depression after each baby was born and we were concerned that it would lead to post-partum psychosis if we had another child. I am a Catholic and my husband is a non-believer. At the time (almost 15 years ago now), I didn’t realize the gravity of the decision we made. Over the past three years, I have deepened my faith and want to atone for this as I now know that it is a mortal sin. Can I be absolved of this sin through confession? Does my husband need a reversal? Should we abstain from marital relations from now on?

Also, as my husband is a non-believer, I pray for his conversion. Can I pray for his sins as well in the hopes that one day he will repent and join the church? (Do my prayers help his soul?)
Can I be absolved of this sin through confession? Does my husband need a reversal? Should we abstain from marital relations from now on?
Of course it can be absolved in confession. No, he doesn’t need to reverse it.
For one thing, the difficulty of your situation, with him not being Catholic, and with your post-partum issues, as well as your lack of knowledge of the gravity of him getting a vasectomy, makes it very possible that this wasn’t a mortal sin.

But whether it was or it wasn’t, this sin, and any sin, can be absolved in the Sacrament of Confession. God doesn’t want people to torment themselves, but to trust in His Mercy and live freely as children of God, receiving and giving love.

Others will comment with much more knowledge, but I really doubt that you’re supposed to abstain from marital relations.

And you can certainly pray for your husband! I encourage you to pray to your Blessed Mother.
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