Vatican conference on “The Complementarity of Man and Woman” under the auspices of Pope Francis. …
Rabbi Sacks spoke in support of the institution of marriage and “the most beautiful idea in the history of civilization.”
Excerpt :
[A]lmost everything that marriage
once brought together has now been split apart. Sex has been divorced from
love, love from commitment, marriage from having children, and having
children from responsibility for their care.
The result is that in Britain in 2012, 47.5 per cent of children were born
outside marriage, expected to become a majority in 2016. Fewer people are
marrying, those who are, are marrying later, and 42 per cent of marriages
end in divorce. Nor is cohabitation a substitute for marriage. The average
length of cohabitation in Britain and the United States is less than two
years. The result is a sharp increase among young people of eating
disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, stress related syndromes, depression and
actual and attempted suicides. The collapse of marriage has created a new
form of poverty concentrated among single parent families, and of these, the
main burden is born by women, who in 2011 headed 92 per cent of single
parent households.
In Britain today more than a million children will grow up with no contact
whatsoever with their fathers. This is creating a divide within societies
… Those who are privileged to grow up in stable loving
association with the two people who brought them into being will, on
average, be healthier physically and emotionally. They will do better at
school and at work. They will have more successful relationships, be happier
and live longer. And yes, there are many exceptions. But the injustice of it
all cries out to heaven. It will go down in history as one of the tragic
instances of what Friedrich Hayek called “the fatal conceit” that somehow we
know better than the wisdom of the ages, and can defy the lessons of biology
and history.
Read More
Below are some related links:
**Marriage = Biology (Not Bigotry) **
** Talking Points in Standing Up for Marriage**
Defining Marriage: How to Communicate Effectively
Debate Is Not About Homosexuality
Prepared remarks for the Illinois state legislature,
Vatican’s Cardinal Burke: DOMA decision will ‘destroy our culture,’ lead to ‘death’
Kids’ Divorce Stories
** Video’s**
Vatican conference on “The Complementarity of Man and Woman” under the auspices of Pope Francis. …
Rabbi Sacks spoke in support of the institution of marriage and “the most beautiful idea in the history of civilization.”
Excerpt :
[A]lmost everything that marriage
once brought together has now been split apart. Sex has been divorced from
love, love from commitment, marriage from having children, and having
children from responsibility for their care.
The result is that in Britain in 2012, 47.5 per cent of children were born
outside marriage, expected to become a majority in 2016. Fewer people are
marrying, those who are, are marrying later, and 42 per cent of marriages
end in divorce. Nor is cohabitation a substitute for marriage. The average
length of cohabitation in Britain and the United States is less than two
years. The result is a sharp increase among young people of eating
disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, stress related syndromes, depression and
actual and attempted suicides. The collapse of marriage has created a new
form of poverty concentrated among single parent families, and of these, the
main burden is born by women, who in 2011 headed 92 per cent of single
parent households.
In Britain today more than a million children will grow up with no contact
whatsoever with their fathers. This is creating a divide within societies
… Those who are privileged to grow up in stable loving
association with the two people who brought them into being will, on
average, be healthier physically and emotionally. They will do better at
school and at work. They will have more successful relationships, be happier
and live longer. And yes, there are many exceptions. But the injustice of it
all cries out to heaven. It will go down in history as one of the tragic
instances of what Friedrich Hayek called “the fatal conceit” that somehow we
know better than the wisdom of the ages, and can defy the lessons of biology
and history.
Read More
Below are some related links:
**Marriage = Biology (Not Bigotry) **
** Talking Points in Standing Up for Marriage**
Defining Marriage: How to Communicate Effectively
Debate Is Not About Homosexuality
Prepared remarks for the Illinois state legislature,
Vatican’s Cardinal Burke: DOMA decision will ‘destroy our culture,’ lead to ‘death’
Kids’ Divorce Stories
** Video’s**