Vatican says we must oppose vaccines made from fetal tissue!

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Now watch the MSM again say the Church is anti-science.

what’s the MSM?
MSM = Main Stream Media (i.e. CBS, ABC, CNN, NY Times). Also known as the Liberal Media Elite.

MSM = Main Stream Media (i.e. CBS, ABC, CNN, NY Times). Also known as the Liberal Media Elite.

Also known as one of the many tentacles of the likes of Planned Parenthood, etc.
reading this thread I thought that more vaccines where made from fetal tissue…agreed that the ones that are made are too many. But now the question is are more parents not going to get their kids vaccinated because of this?
My children have already had the chickenpox vaccines. And my husband had to have Hep A because of where he works ( welfare office). I had no idea about this. I think I may be sick. 😦
Toubling, very troubling. What is the validity of the information on this web site. I tend to take random information on the web with a grain of salt. Does anybody know if there is corroberating data?
In the military - you are required to periodically take a series of vaccines. I wonder how this will affect that?
Toubling, very troubling. What is the validity of the information on this web site. I tend to take random information on the web with a grain of salt. Does anybody know if there is corroberating data?
This site is great. Very valid information. If you have questions they will answer your e-mails quickly.
The site was discussed on another thread.

CAUTION Do not confuse the above site with the one that goes by the name of “children of god.” “children of god” is anti catholic and real verbal about it.
Wierd, I just read this long article in Catholic Register stating the opposite. It said something to the effect that it is up to the parents to follow their consciences.:confused:
Wierd, I just read this long article in Catholic Register stating the opposite. It said something to the effect that it is up to the parents to follow their consciences.:confused:
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The Vatican urged parents to use caution when deciding not to inoculate their children against infectious diseases when so-called “ethical vaccines” are not yet available.

In a paper, the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life reaffirmed a **person’s right to abstain from receiving vaccines that were prepared from cells derived from aborted fetuses, but it said such a choice must be made after carefully considering whether refusing the vaccination would pose serious health risks to the child and the larger public.
"We are responsible for all people, not just ourselves," Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau, a medical doctor and official at the Pontifical Academy for Life, told Catholic News Service.

"If it is a question of protecting the whole population and avoiding death and malformation in others, that is more important" than abstaining from vaccines developed from abortions that might have occurred decades ago, he said.

**To read the rest of the article: **
From what I’ve read, the cell lines are 40 years old and no new lines are produced; moreover, nothing conclusively indicates that the babies were aborted specifically to make vaccines. No question that abortion is evil, as is any premeditated murder. However, would you have a problem with transplanting an eye/heart/kidney/liver from an adult murder victim (presuming he wasn’t murdered specifically for the organ)? Would the use of infected cells from naturally aborted (i.e., miscarried) infants be OK? If so, the argument isn’t with the matter, but with the manner in which the victim died (presuming they were not specifically aborted for the cell lines).
i didn’t know it at the time but there was afollow up article 3 days after the one i already posted that said it is up to the parents to decide but that we should take a stance in hopes of bringing an alternate form of vaccination.

japan has had a rubella vaccine from a non-fetus line for decades
In the military - you are required to periodically take a series of vaccines. I wonder how this will affect that?
Depending on the shot you refuse, I’m sure it would make you non-deployable, but if you think about it, MOST soldiers have already had most if not all of those types of shots growing up. But you can get either the unit chaplain or the post chaplain involved to state you reject the shots due to religious differences. They can’t fault you for that and I’m sure they’d note it in your medical records and let you deploy anyway. They are trying to protect the soldier when the soldier deploys to a third world country. I understand it… don’t agree with it… but I understand it.

I mean, if Muslims can complain that the mess hall is serving pork and the whole mess hall has to revamp it’s food, and vegitarians have complained about the MRE’s and now there are vegan MRE’s… I think they can let people with religious objections to vaccines go.

Just put the poltical ball back in their court and get the chaplain involved every step of the way. But make sure either you (or your soldier) is very aware of what shots are being given. I’ve been to PDP’s (pre-deployment preps) and the medics are in full force with all shots/vaccines just having a heyday shooting people up… if it’s not written in their medical records that they’ve had the shots… they get it again. You just have to stand up and say something and stick to your guns. (And don’t let rank be an issue)

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