Vatican spokesman defines American society as

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“a society incapable of appreciating and defending the gift of life.”

I totally agree!!! God’s just judgment is a’ comin’. Amen! So shall it be!
I’m with you on that only I say God help us! We are going to reap the wrath and frankly I think we deserve it.

God Bless
Well, some people can handle it, but not most people here. It would be awesome if evrey American could show more respect for human life, but I don’t see that happening any time soon. Well, when I grow up, I’ll try to have lots of kids who will grow up learning the true blessing of human life.

What country do you all hail from? Just curious.

4 marks said:
“a society incapable of appreciating and defending the gift of life.”

I totally agree!!! God’s just judgment is a’ comin’. Amen! So shall it be!

Perhaps you could provide a url or a context or who said it???

I mean, does this refer to just Americans??? the west???the Schiavo case???
I don’t want to be too cynical and say that America can’t handle life (and fat chance of moving). I think we just need to keep working toward the goal of increasing respect for human life.

I think in some ways the tide is turning, but the majority that speak out in polls and seem to get more of the media spotlight tend to promote the Culture of Death. Lord have mercy on us all. Maybe the Rosary should also include a petition for the conversion of the United States as well as for Russia.
What country do you all hail from? Just curious.

The United States of America. I suspect that in ten years, if we are all still here, our nation will be socially and morally much like Western Europe is today. The Catholic Church in America will be over-run by “progressives.” There will be enclaves of traditionalist SSPX churches scattered throughout. Evangelical fundamentalism will split into a “positive thinking/purpose-driven branch” which will embrace the cultural shift, and factions of fire and brimstone, extremely independent radical sects. Islam will become the dominant religion, and if you do have many children, count on most of them embracing the Islamic faith.

I wonder myself if God may have to use Islam to set us all back on track. Perhaps an Islamic society with its strict moral and religious codes is the very thing necessary where Christianity seems to have failed to transform the culture? We will all have to wait and see.

In any event, I am certain that Islamic extremists will, again, have their day in America and in Europe. (Revelation 18)
Perhaps you could provide a url or a context or who said it???

I mean, does this refer to just Americans??? the west???the Schiavo case???
It was a top Vatican official, Monsignor Elio Sgreccia, who said this. Since the Pope, due to his infirm and impaired condition, is incapable of speaking to America and can no longer be considered human by many Americans, a spokesman has said what the Pope would want to have said. Waiting for the “progressives” to remove his “feeding tube” and install the coming “false prophet.” Dragon=China, Beast=Russia, “false prophet”=apostate Pope (Rev. 16:12-16)
This is unfortunately seeming very true. What happened the conservative perspective, or at least the desire to keep life precious and valued from conception to natural death? I know many people in my small group for Confirmation (that I lead) that would rather kill a child resulting from rape than let them live. They even all decied that the Church had no business telling the moral theology regarding the death penalty because there is the “seperation of chuch and state” and that the death penalty is purely a topic of politics. They are so wrong, and they call themselves Catholic! Unforunately, I see this lack of respect for life so many places. There are biologists who still think fetuses are “lumps of cells” even though they watch the child grow under a microscope! They know the truth, but are too wrapped up in the materialistic society of today or are too scared to speak out, to let the world know how wrong and immoral they really are. Well, I think I need to go pray some more for the lives that are being taken today! Pray for life… politicians to vote for life, and for Terri!

God Bless–JMJ
Laura 😉
Amen, Fashina. You should teach them a lesson in what it means to TRUELY be Catholic.

And to answer your question on what happened to the conservative attitude: False icons, ignorance, and wanting to be “different like everybody else.” Of course, this is merely an opinion…
“a society incapable of appreciating and defending the gift of life.”

I totally agree!!! God’s just judgment is a’ comin’. Amen! So shall it be!What did The Vatican say about The Netherlands? I don’t see why Americans are singled out.
We were singled out in this instance likely due to the Shiavo case, but not because that’s our only problem. Furthermore, for everything bad that can be said about the Netherlands, and that’s A LOT of bad, at least they murder the infirm in a humane way :whacky:
There was a story about a little girl back in the 1990’s from Czechlosovakia who said about America, “I don’t see how anyone could keep the faith in a country like that.” The christians over there were afraid of losing their cross. She said, “To keep the faith in the U.S. is a miracle.” She also mentioned about how other countries have fed off the materialism of the U.S. and how many of them have lost their faith and the girl said “We don’t want their poisonous influences.” I’m not trying to suggest anything, but I heard from someone that our country is the whore of Bablyon! Father Levis replied, “I hope not.”

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
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