venial sins

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hey can anyone point me in some direction where i might be able to find… what i’m looking for are catagories of venial sins. I’m not even sure how to say it, like a listing of all the venial sins one can think of. is there anything like this or am i just nutz?
please help,
hey can anyone point me in some direction where i might be able to find… what i’m looking for are catagories of venial sins. I’m not even sure how to say it, like a listing of all the venial sins one can think of. is there anything like this or am i just nutz?
please help,
Dear faithbound,

You may be nutz, but I won’t hold that against you.:whacky:

I’m not always clear on venial v. mortal, but if you’re looking for categories of sins I’d say start with the Sermon on the Mount, starting in Matt 5, and in Paul’s description of what “love” is in 1 Cor 13. This will give you an idea of some of the attitudes that Jesus wants us to adopt, so a sin would be anything that went against those attitudes.

BTW, is there any particular reason you’re looking for this, or are you just fishing? Why venial sins and not mortal. You’re not looking for a list of sins you can “get away with” now, are you?😃

I was going to suggest a book on moral theology such as this one. But the link posted by Betsy looks pretty useful. If you want something more detailed, just go to a Catholic bookstore and tell them what you are looking for.
are you looking for a list to tell yo how bad you are, or a list to tell you how far you can go without going “mortal”? What is the purpose of posing the question in the way you did? I ask because it sounds a lot like what I hear in 9th grade CCD from kids who want to argue their way into excusing this or that sinful action.

why not start with the beatitudes and commandments, the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and obedience to those in authority over you in your state in life, and your treatment of those closest to you and see where you are going straight, and where you are messing up, then pray to find out why, go to confession for forgiveness, and go to communion for strength to do better.
Lists like the one posted can be useful, but in using them, it’s important to watch out for becoming scrupulous. I wouldn’t recommend checking such a list every day, but if one is looking to examine their conscience before confession it can be helpful in reminding us to avoid the near occasion of sin.
WOW! you guys are awesome!!! I love this forum! You guys are like angels I can always count on. All of you are such a blessing, you do wonders to my soul. You lift me up to such a level i don’t want to come down. If i could, i’d stay here with ya’ll all the time. May OUR LORD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU UNDER HIS GRACE AND PROTECTION EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY!!!

Love ya’ll,
I rather like the one at Cin.Org, as it doesn’t attempt to clearly distinguish between mortal and venial sins, and just asks you questions in all the different categories. If we have a list of venial sins we might be prompted to think that our sins are really just in the lower category. I like to examine the conscience more directly.

The advice to read the Bible etc., it’s obviously a good idea to read Holy Scripture. However, I don’t flatter myself with believing that I can just read the Bible and then I’ll be well-grounded. The faithful over twenty centuries have assembled very important summaries of different topics, and it’s a very good idea not to overlook their efforts, as we are called to “exhort one another every day” (*).
hey can anyone point me in some direction where i might be able to find… what i’m looking for are catagories of venial sins. I’m not even sure how to say it, like a listing of all the venial sins one can think of. is there anything like this or am i just nutz?
The Church teaches us with moral certainty what actions are a grave matter. Your question is unanswerable, because whether something is a venial sin or mortal sin takes more into consideration than whether or not something is of grave matter.

According to the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X:
29 Q: What is required for a sin to be mortal?
A: For a sin to be mortal three things are required: (1) Grave matter, (2) Full advertence, (3) Perfect consent of the will.

**30 Q: When is the matter to be considered grave? **

A: The matter is grave when the thing under examination is seriously contrary to the laws of God and His Church.

**31 Q: When is there full advertence in sinning? **

A: Full advertence in sinning is had when we know perfectly well that we are doing a serious evil.

32 Q: When is perfect consent of the will verified in sinning?

A: Perfect consent of the will is verified in sinning when we deliberately determine to do a thing although we know that thing to be sinful.
Acts may be of grave matter, however, if they lack full advertence and/or perfect consent of the will, they are venial sins, not mortal sins. Making a list of mortal versus venial sins is misleading.
Do you think some of things under venial sins are debateable? For instance, “Playing Dungeons & Dragons” and “Smoking or chewing tobacco”?

Scott Waddell:
Do you think some of things under venial sins are debateable? For instance, “Playing Dungeons & Dragons” and “Smoking or chewing tobacco”?

I believe that is called moderation. Christ blessed the wine for the wedding feast, but I don’t believe he did it so everyone could get drunk.
If you are hurting your body by excessive chewing, or you are not sleeping at night, because your mind is still playing the game.
It could also be with this game knowing the difference between reality and fiction. Some people go to far with this particular game.
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