Leftist “freedom of speech” philosophy at its finest:
PFVeteran Pro-Life Journalist to Be Ousted from Ontario Gov’t Press Gallery
TORONTO, October 21, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A vigorous effort is being made to expel Queen’s Park correspondent and pro-life Interim newspaper columnist Frank Kennedy from the Queen’s Park Press Gallery for holding and actively expressing his point of view.
A 15-year member of the Q.P. Press Gallery, Kennedy, a popular and well-liked part-time member of the gallery was brought in last Friday for a closed-door session with the Q.P. Press Gallery executive for what they considered his `advocacy’ and aggressive promotion of the pro-life cause. Gallery president Alan Findlay, told Kennedy that the executive could not dismiss a member outright but would put in a recommendation to the 24 full-time members of the press gallery and call for a vote. Kennedy stands little chance of winning the vote given the pro-abortion bias of the mainstream media who are represented by the 24 full-time members.
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