Video: 1st Friar Ordained Priest for the POOR FRIARS

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The 1st Friar Ordained Priest
for the POOR FRIARS…

Friar Antonio Maria Speedy was the first friar of the Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary to be ordained to the Priesthood on the 6th of Dec. 2014. This 16min. Video contains both excepts of the Ordination held at the Cathedral of St. Francis De Sales (Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana, USA) and his first Mass in the Parish of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary (Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana, USA).

Click on this image to view the video:
Peace and Good - Mission at Rome…
After our successful Mission at Santa Maria del Popolo at Rome, Father Friar Antonio (Chaplin to the Diocesan Office of Evangelization and Vocational director of all enquirers to the Poor Friars and Nuns in the English language) will be returning back to Louisiana tomorrow morning to resume his ministry in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux.

**All vocational inquirers may contact him there once he returns.
**Thank you and best wishes of Holiness.
Peace and Good - Mission in Louisiana…
6.30pm every 2nd Wednesday in 5 sessions;

With the help of Sister Comet M.U. (degree in Christian Art History at Rome’s Gregorian Pontifical University) We will “walk” through some of Rome’s well & lesser known places of Spiritual Pilgrimage all in the comfort of St. Thomas Aquinas’s Church pews and without spending a penny.

1st Night (20th May) …The Life of Christ
2nd Night (3rd June) …Early Christian Community
3rd Night (17th June) …St. Peter and Saint Paul
4th Night (1st July) …Roman Mairan Shrines
5th Night (15th July) …Saint’s tombs and reliques

When in Houma-Thibodaux do as the Poor Friars & Nuns.
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