Vigil of All Saints (Halloween)

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With the Vigil of All Saints (Halloween) coming up, it is time to say: Parents ignoring the dangers of the Halloween imagery and activities and the possible demonic attachments that could, in some cases, happen, are not doing their job to protect their kids.

I will quote St. Paul, but I do so with the stipulation that his quote is not about being Christian. His advice is born out in psychology and mental health.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

The haunted house thing, which is imagery of the occult, does not qualify as those things we should be thinking about spiritually or psychologically.

The culture of death is not healthy. This Halloween, instead of dressing up as monsters, demons, ax murderers, ghosts, and other such images of death and occult, think creative. Dress up as something positive like princes and princesses, or anything with a positive or neutral image. Same goes for Halloween decorations.

This essay also applies to non-Christians.
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We already have a lively thread going on this topic.

Halloween is Catholic, it is okay to be scary!
How to prepare for Halloween? Catholic Living
As a doxie lady, I approve this message!!
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The occult imagery and culture of death images are not Catholic and not prudent. Don’t play around with such things, you may someday get bit. I have had clients to prove that possibility. Besides, the Bible is against such things. If we are truly Christian, we should be listening and obeying the Bible and the Church.

It is just as easy to reclaim Halloween for Christ and the Vigil of All Saints. The essay gives those suggestions. When people resist the VERY easy answer is when we know there is a problem.
You might want to spend some time with traditional Catholic imagery. Skulls, demons, St Lucy holding her eyes on a plate, the beheaded John the Baptist, hearts and heads and fingers as relics.

We say “death, where is thy sting?”

If scary costumes or images were sinful, the Church would have proclaimed it centuries ago.
My dear, I VERY much know the practices you talked about. This is not rocket science. The presence of skulls and the like in those cultures, HAS NOTNING to do with the practices of found in Halloween, and the occultist and pagans to which these practices derive and the culture of death that it depicts.

While it is true that these practices exist as you pointed out, it is a false argument in the context of this thread.
Would you point me to the official documents that condemn scary costumes or images?
I have already posted that. The Bible with St. Paul, the Pope about the culture of death, and just plain logic and common sense. You can believe whatever you want. I will do with what I have seen in my professional experience, with the abomination about the occult in the Catechism and the reasoned logic derived from that (an approach taught to us by the Church), the logical and easy way to avoid this by celebrating Halloween by positive images to recapture it for Christ, such as wearing costumes of Saints, or at least something neutral instead of demons and monsters and such (this is not rocket science here) and go the high road that Christ calls us to with the advice of St. Paul:

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Do what you want. These are my reasons. You can find out more in my profile.
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The Bible with St. Paul, the Pope about the culture of death
You do not see that there is a difference between dressing up as a zombie and using the Occult?

“The Culture of Death” that popes speak of is the acceptance of war, violence, the death penalty, euthanasia, genocide, etc. It does not refer to a 14 year old in a grim reaper costume.
Halloween is simple fun.

Absent of sexual costumes or actually engaging in alleged occult, there is nothing sinful about dressing up as monsters and eating candy.
The devil agrees with you. It’s just fun to dress up in culture of death and monsters and demons and other things inconsistent with Christianity. Ya, go for it, says the devil.
Okay, then let is dress up like Nazis and KKK. It is just a costume, just for fun, ya.

The images matter even if innocently used.

Tell, me serious, why is it so hard to wear costumes of saints, or princes and princesses, or bible characters, or favorites actor of the old west. Why are people married to the negative images of darkness?
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The capuchin crypt in Rome is s group of rooms completely decorated by human skeletons and remains of 3700 friars who died in their order. As you go through the rooms, there is a plaque that reads in 5 languages. “As you are, we once were. As we are you will be”

Now, what is this about dressing up like a princess?
There are some super dark Biblical characters/events, and “the old west” is often glorifying criminals.
Not the point. Already mentioned this. That is not the same thing as Halloween, shesh
I made a mistake responding to these posts. The essay is reasonable and true. There is no reason not to accept the idea of good and proper costumes, rather than the occult-oriented costumes, and the monsters and such. This is about the world. I choose to be in the world and not of it and to be countercultural as Christ said we are to be. So I am out of here.

P.S. the essay in in my profile.
I was in Rome on Halloween a few years ago. Trick or treating and some dress up was at the Vatican. Not a lot, but some. It’s a cultural a activity, nothing more, nothing less. Not nearly as odd to me as dia de Los muertos festivals.
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