Vigilance and Discernment During Lustful Thoughts

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I understand that Lustful Thoughts only become sinful when you entertain them past first movements. I have a couple of questions:
  1. If you have a temptation that you simply cannot shake and you naturally acknowledge it (I have had some of these go on for 45 minutes), does that qualify as entertaining them?
  2. If I indulge in a thought, reject reason in indulging it, and then remember God and stop, is that still sinful?
I’m finding these subtle distinctions in discernment of thoughts quite frustrating. It’s very clear with external sins (such as those against the 6th commandment), but it’s a lot harder with internal ones.

Once it entered your mind. It is very hard to get rid of them. They keep popping and popping. I cannot answer the questions above but a priest once adviced, when you are in a temptation of lustful thoughts, you should immediately pray instead of letting it linger. Letting it linger will make it worst and it will turn into something that mostly we will regret of happening. It would be better to pray immediately, ask for God’s protection from this thought so you will be at peace. Meditate with the Rosary.
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I understand that Lustful Thoughts only become sinful when you entertain them past first movements. I have a couple of questions:
  1. If you have a temptation that you simply cannot shake and you naturally acknowledge it (I have had some of these go on for 45 minutes), does that qualify as entertaining them?
  2. If I indulge in a thought, reject reason in indulging it, and then remember God and stop, is that still sinful?
I’m finding these subtle distinctions in discernment of thoughts quite frustrating. It’s very clear with external sins (such as those against the 6th commandment), but it’s a lot harder with internal ones.

If the will id determined to not dwell on sinful thoughts then there is still a battle ongoing and that is not sinful.
2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ

I know it is hard to stop the bad thoughts when they keep reoccurring! I would pray as soon as possible and maybe say a phrase every time. I like “Blessed be Your holy name Lord!” or “Please have mercy, Jesus!” Also, if you like, pray, “In Jesus’s name please forgive me of _____ and let me sin no more!”
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