Violence doesnt seem to mix with jesus

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sombody said to me that scripture said that, jesus said " any man with out a sword should buy one. i for one, cannot find that any where in scripture, second, it seemed like the person was trying to justify having a weapon. am i wrong or wright?
When god said, those who are apart of the second resurrection will be judge for thier works. is he talking about those who didnt believe in him. or, is he talking about a variety of people who wasnt taken up in the first resurection with christ. :confused:
First and second resurrection?

Um, what do you mean by that? There was ONE resurrection–that of Jesus–because He came back to earth for 40 days. (The souls which rose up and were seen by people were those of the righteous who had been in the limbo of the Fathers until Christ’s resurrection–and they did NOT come back to earth joined to their immortal bodies, but went to heaven).

When Christ returns that will be the Second Coming. There wont’t be people “going up” to meet Him before He comes.

All who have died before the Second Coming will have already been judged. The Final Judgment at the Second Coming is simply God making known to ALL what every individual’s choice has been. (And yes, works–which are a manifestation of our faith, hope, and love for the free gift of grace which saves us through Christ Jesus–are part of it. As James reminds us, “Faith without works is dead. . .”)
sombody said to me that scripture said that, jesus said " any man with out a sword should buy one. i for one, cannot find that any where in scripture, second, it seemed like the person was trying to justify having a weapon. am i wrong or wright?

Unnecessary violence does not mix with Christ or Christian doctrine. There are times when it is necessary to be violent such as protecting your family (i.e. if you didn’t protect your elderly mother or father from an attacker, you would be disobeying the commandment to honor your father and mother or protecting your children from a predator). Also, many people misinterpret Jesus’ command to “turn the other cheek”. In Jesus’ day and culture, to be slapped on the right cheek was the highest form of rebuke and was an accusation of heresy and blasphemy. Essentially what Jesus was saying when He told His disciples to “turn the other cheek” was “give them both of your cheeks because you know my teaching is true and you are not a heretic nor a blasphemer”.
“Violence doesn’t seem to mix with Jesus.”

Have you seen a crucifix lately?

It does mix with Jesus, and it is worth pondering the how and why.
5-Decades-a-Day said:
“Violence doesn’t seem to mix with Jesus.”

Have you seen a crucifix lately?

It does mix with Jesus, and it is worth pondering the how and why.

I think the thread topic is more asking if Jesus approved of violence or not.
i think first and foremost jesus wants us to be gentle, thats why he said be like children. tell me if im wrong.
Actually, one time Jesus made a whip of cords and drove out those selling oxen and sheep and pigeons in the Temple and the money-changers, and overturned the tables of the money changers, saying they had made his Father’s house a house of trade(John 2:14-16).
I agree that Jesus did teach people to be gentle. All the same, to say Jesus was against force is to make too simple a statement about how we are to live as Christians. What about police for example?
i think first and foremost jesus wants us to be gentle, thats why he said be like children. tell me if im wrong.
You don’t have children, do you? 😃

The average “no” screaming 2 year old, hair-pulling 3 year old, grabbing-toy-from-other-child 4 year old, hitting 5 year old, tattling 6 year old, lying 7 year old, “clique-y” 8 year old, cussing 9 year old, back-talking 10 year old, sullen 11 year old, defiant 12 year old. . .and don’t even START me on the teens–is far from gentle most of the time. . . Childhood is one of the most INTOLERANT periods a person goes through.

What children are: vulnerable and dependent on others. They aren’t “in control”. They rely on others. JMO.
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