Virgin Mary invoked by pro-abortion activists

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I am praying that God grants a powerful miracle showing how displeased He and Mary are with this. :gopray2:
Yeah this is all pretty disheartening that Our Lady could be used to utter evil.

Maybe not so much different than people doing all sorts of things, such as wars in the name of God.
David B:
Yeah this is all pretty disheartening that Our Lady could be used to utter evil.

Maybe not so much different than people doing all sorts of things, such as wars in the name of God.
Catholics for a Free Choice is an evil group. Their leader, Frances Kisseling is a master of deception and propaganda.
Catholics for a Free Choice is an evil group. Their leader, Frances Kisseling is a master of deception and propaganda.
They essentially want to take over the Church from the inside. I never realized they would stoop so low as to call upon Mary to help them commit more murder.
Here is another offensive misuse of Mary, this time - a website (but subtle in its ways). It initially look like a good site until you look at their beliefs and practices.

URL: - Purely new age under the disguise of being Marian (which is not!).

May Jesus lead all people to the truth about His mother.
Here is another offensive misuse of Mary, this time - a website (but subtle in its ways). It initially look like a good site until you look at their beliefs and practices.

URL: - Purely new age under the disguise of being Marian (which is not!).

May Jesus lead all people to the truth about His mother.
Oh my! Such deceit! With their own “ordinations” and “sacraments.” I noticed one of their bishops was a female.
Cosmic Grace is the Divine Feminine often referred to as the Holy Spirit, the Holy Comforter exemplified by the Holy Madonna…

and another one:
The Divine Mother is the nurturer of our strength and wholeness and She brings to birth within us, the true seekers, the enlightenment of Buddha, the compassionate heart of Jesus. We have chosen to join in the apostolic succession, in the discipleship of our elder brothers and sisters who teach Divine Love through sacramental living. … Our selflessness identifies with wholeness. Jesus and the Father are one, in that consciousness we are all priest and priestess of the Most High.
The Divine Mother beckons us to teach only Love as exemplified by Jesus the Christ, Buddha, Mother Mary, and all the saints and sages of every age.
This is a very good example of why Catholicism and Buddhism should not mix. One can not be a Catholic and a Buddhist at the same time.
Here is another offensive misuse of Mary, this time - a websiteURL: - Purely new age under the disguise of being Marian (which is not!).
This link was a hoot. I especially found the book on Dolphin Meditations and the Dolphin Dreams link hitting a ten on the wack-o-meter.
I, too, pray for a miracle that would show that Our Blessed Mother is not pleased with this behaviour…
This makes me both angry and sad. I cannot imagine the pain in the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart over such a nasty, pernicious, evil thing.

Our Lady, Protector of the Unborn…
Pray for us
did you guys see that they had a 14 year old reverend?? That poor girl.

Well, I did what I normally do, gathered all the email addresses of the Bishops at that site (Who were all women I might add) and told them how disgusted I was of them.

I didnt notice this until after I sent them the email but in one of the photographs, a woman is wearing a robe that has the Pope symbol on it the P that goes into a cross.

you guys were right when you said this is the all time low.

may God have mercy on them and especially their brainwashed followers.
just for kicks, here is the email I sent them. Feel free to send your own. Let your voice be heard brotha’s!


I just wanted to say that I was disgusted at the things I read at your website. The nerve of your cult to use Our Lady in such a manner. You are leading people away from Christs Church with your lies and deception. Did I read right that you have female bishops?? thats crazy and blasphemous to our Lord who only ordained Men, and throughout history can clearly be seen that only MEN are to be ordained.

Out of all the misleading websites I have encountered, yours is the most subtle of them all. At first I thought ‘Oh the Blessed Mother’ then I read what you were about then I said ‘Oh Blessed Mother, pray for their forgiveness…they truely are misguided’.

You are a wolf in sheeps clothing and should be ashamed to lead people away from God. Your ‘church without walls’ is an evil seed of protestantism.
Like most cults I can only imagine what poor misguided and uneducated prey you are finding and recruiting. The same people that David Koresh gathered before getting them killed. Your people are probably so brainwashed right now with your junk that they dont know any better. Which is probably good because when you are all in front of God they may get mercy because they were not culpable and knew no better, but you leaders on the other hand will be handled more seriously and be held accountable for the souls you lost to satan.

Christ already founded the Church He wanted. Why dont you try following that one instead of playing God yourself??
May God have Mercy on you and your poor followers.

Church Militant
this brought me to an all time low in the disgust department…

I guess they forgot she was 13-14 yrs old and an un-wed mother…that chose life…
Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, 7 but before they lived together, she was found with child through the holy Spirit.
19 Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, 8 yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly.
The custom of the time was for the marriage to take place and then the woman would live with her parents for a year preparing to live with her husband. This year was called the engagement but it was an actual marriage. That is why it mentions a divorce. Mary was not an unwed mother.

What would Mary and her Son think of all this I hear her saying pray the rosary each day.
I’ve heard it said that the fanatical pro-abortionists regard abortion as a sacrament.

Sadly, that statement is more than facetious. Their sacrifice is not the unbloody mass, but rather the bloody sacrifice of innocent children.

Calling upon the name of our Blessed Lady is blasphemous against our Lord, her Son. They are worse than a heretical cult. They are bordering on Satanic, Satan being the master at taking what is good and twisting it to his own purposes.

May they repent this evil before damnation is visited upon their souls.
Ann Cheryl:
Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, 7 but before they lived together, she was found with child through the holy Spirit.
19 Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, 8 yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly.
The custom of the time was for the marriage to take place and then the woman would live with her parents for a year preparing to live with her husband. This year was called the engagement but it was an actual marriage. That is why it mentions a divorce. Mary was not an unwed mother.

What would Mary and her Son think of all this I hear her saying pray the rosary each day.
If you really look deeply into your post, you will find a correlation to today’s society that would explain the ‘un-wed’ part. In Jewish law they may have been married, but only in the context of their belief system, if I understand it correctly. They were not living together as man and wife, but rather, she was claimed as his…not totally a wife yet, but more than a fiancee…

In terms of today’s society, she would have been un-wed. Either way, I believe many understand the point I was trying to make.

The other day I was out washing my dad’s car thinking about going to the pro-life Rosary in front of a nearby Planned Parenthood Clinic (400 or more babies murdered a month at this place) and I had a horrible image flash into my mind… and it was something very similar to what the article described only it was a pro-abortion group leading a Rosary of Death, and they were not ashamed to call it that. I think it was brought about by a discussion I had with a friend of mine who is friends with a girl who belongs to CFFC and insists that I’M the heretic because I oppose abortion and accept the other teachings of the Church…

The rosaries that I saw the people in my vision using were not the elegantly crafted sacramentals that I have seen many in our group use, but rather twisted vines with briars and thorns. It’s a very disturbing image and I’m saddened to learn that this has become a reality. In fact, I’m downright frightened. :hmmm:
Hey, I was just reading the other posts, and I totally agree with everything that everyone here has said. I just want to say one thing. I know a lot of non catholics and or people that are into nature worship and believe in abortion and even though I know what they’re doing and how they live their lives is wrong…I’m still polite to them because they are humans and their souls will live in eternity. The one thing that I think is really important when it comes to these issues is that we, as a church, as a kingdom, should not treat these people with anger. I think instead we should try and treat them as the Virgin would. I’m not saying they don’t need to be called out on what they are doing…I’m saying, there is a time and place for it. And no offense to you CathAnFanatical, but that email is probably just thrown out or discarded like nothing. Because if there’s one thing that I know, it’s that when I hear other people from satanic cults or what ever, saying things to me about my faith, or calling it a cult…it just makes me want to believe in my faith even more… I don’t know about y’all, but in my oppinion, you get more with honey then with bitterness. Even though what they’re doing is horrid and one of the worst holocosts…their free will puts this out of our hands, and into Mary’s with prayers. As long as one of us has breath to speak a prayer or a mind to think one against this enemy, God will hear it.
The other day I was out washing my dad’s car thinking about going to the pro-life Rosary in front of a nearby Planned Parenthood Clinic (400 or more babies murdered a month at this place) and I had a horrible image flash into my mind… and it was something very similar to what the article described only it was a pro-abortion group leading a Rosary of Death, and they were not ashamed to call it that. I think it was brought about by a discussion I had with a friend of mine who is friends with a girl who belongs to CFFC and insists that I’M the heretic because I oppose abortion and accept the other teachings of the Church…

The rosaries that I saw the people in my vision using were not the elegantly crafted sacramentals that I have seen many in our group use, but rather twisted vines with briars and thorns. It’s a very disturbing image and I’m saddened to learn that this has become a reality. In fact, I’m downright frightened. :hmmm:
I can totally see the “Rosary of Death” 😦
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