So in that case anyone who has experienced a ‘wet dream’, as all men will from time to time when not expressing themselves sexually, is no longer a virgin. Sorry, don’t agree with that.
Actually, that issue is clearly addressed.
It has to be VOLUNTARY feeling of sexual pleasure. By “the resolution of semen” he means an orgasm, archaichly…so a woman masturbating loses her virginity to.
But NOT a woman who is raped. She did not consent. If a woman refuses to consent (like St. Maria Gorretti refused and fought) then she is still a virgin even if the physical act eventually is accomplished against her fighting and protest. Sometimes, however, she dies in her refusal to give in and submit, and this is a martyrdom too.
Look at Aquinas’s statement again:
“Pleasure resulting from resolution of semen may arise in two ways.** If this be the result of the mind’s purpose**, it destroys virginity, whether copulation takes place or not.”
A wet dream does not destroy virginity because it is not the “result of the mind’s purpose”. It is not delibrate, in otherwords.
Loss of virginity morally signifies sexual pleasure delibrately felt. Rape which is not consented to, and sexual pleasure in a dream is not either.
Aquinas himself addresses this same issue!
Here, from the same article in the Summa:
"Pleasure resulting from resolution of semen may arise in two ways. If this be the result of the mind’s purpose, it destroys virginity, whether copulation takes place or not. Augustine, however, mentions copulation, because such like resolution is the ordinary and natural result thereof.
On another way this may happen beside the purpose of the mind, either during sleep, or through violence and
without the mind’s consent,
although the flesh derives pleasure from it, or again through weakness of nature, as in the case of those who are subject to a flow of semen.
On such cases virginity is not forfeit, because such like pollution is not the result of impurity which excludes virginity. "
Cybersex, if it truly is just impure thoughts and talking vulgarly and arousingly about sex, is NOT loss of virginity. Just a sin against chastity.
But delibrate masturbation DOES constitute loss of virginity.