Virtue signaling - what does it mean?

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I don’t understand what the term ‘Virtue Signaling’ means. If someone could help explain its meaning and provide an example or two of it, I’d greatly appreciate it. I’ve been hearing the term used more and more on TV, usually in the context of accusing a political opponent or a group of people of something.

Specifically, how does ‘virtue signaling’ differ from hypocrisy? Is ‘virtue signaling’ similar to being “holier than thou” or something else altogether?

I’d appreciate it if someone who is more familiar with the term could help clarify it for me. Thanks in advance for the assistance.
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Did you see the picture of Nancy Pelosi and the other democrats kneeling with those scarves on? That’s virtue signaling. They were pretending to let blacks know that they are behind them. They really aren’t but the image is all that matters. Here’s the thing not one of those people kneeling would be willing to give up their seat of power to BLM.
I’d appreciate it if someone who is more familiar with the term could help clarify it for me. Thanks in advance for the assistance.
Often used on CAF when someone points out that an opinion or an action doesn’t align with Jesus’ teachings: “You’re just virtue-signalling.”
Did you see the picture of Nancy Pelosi and the other democrats kneeling with those scarves on? That’s virtue signaling. They were pretending to let blacks know that they are behind them. They really aren’t but the image is all that matters.
This is another way it’s often used. When someone you don’t like or with whose position you disagree does something like this, you impute hypocrisy to it and call it “virtue signaling.”
Thanks. It’s coming more into focus now.

If I understand correctly, it is kind of like the example in the Bible in Matthew 6:5 where Jesus gives instructions on how to pray and tells people to not stand on street corners while praying to be seen by men. The person who would do such things just to be perceived as holy would be a religious example of virtue signaling?
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I always think of the parable of the pharisee and the publican. The pharisee is not wrong to fast and tithe and whatnot, but it’s wrong to make sure everyone knows about it (as well as to belittle the publican)
Thanks for the answers so far. They help.

Follow up question:
Can a person be accused of virtue signaling if they are genuine and don’t try to seek attention for themselves?

For example, if a person volunteers at a food pantry and doesn’t try to draw attention to himself or herself, can this be perceived as virtue signaling by others?

In other words, what is the difference between real virtue and virtue signaling?
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Can a person be accused of virtue signaling if they are genuine and don’t try to seek attention for themselves
Of course they can be accused of it. That doesn’t make the accusation true.
A person knows why they’re doing things. If it’s for the right reasons, they should just ignore any baseless accusations.
For example, if a person volunteers at a food pantry and doesn’t try to draw attention to himself or herself, can this be perceived as virtue signaling by others?
Usually not, as the person isn’t doing anything to seek attention for himself.
It’s virtue with no “signaling”.

If the person were to make a huge social media post with a picture of himself handing out food and the focus was on “look at me handing out food” rather than something like “We really need donations, we are almost out of food. Here is the link if you’d like to help”, then it would be virtue signaling.
I like this definition in your link, @UpUpAndAway. When I read it, I immediately thought of all of the Hollywood types that jump on the latest trendy issue, but probably never gave it a thought before it became popular, and won’t continue to “care” once the next new issue comes along.
If the person were to make a huge social media post with a picture of himself handing out food and the focus was on “look at me handing out food” rather than something like “We really need donations, we are almost out of food. Here is the link if you’d like to help”, then it would be virtue signaling.
Thanks for that example. That really clarifies it. 👍 Sounds like the key to ‘virtue signaling’ is that it puts the focus on self rather than others, even when the setting is supposed to be about others. On the other hand, real virtue keeps the focus and attention on others and the need at hand instead of on self.
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Pelosi and the kneeling crew sure did it for attention. If the person in your scenario doesn’t draw attention to their actions who would see it? No sense signaling if no one is looking.
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There doesn’t even need be actual virtue associated with it. The signal is the important part.

For instance if I wanted to show my support for “Elbonian Pride Matters Month” by putting a frame with a slogan around my facebook profile, that’s not much of a support nor particularly virtuous, but at least people will see that I appear to be on the right side of the Elbonian situation.
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