Article and pictures of Snellville Visitation nuns:
Article: georgiabu…isitation_nuns/
Pictures/Slideshow from above article: georgiabu…ss_09_vsisters/
Additional pictures: photophil…ry_weichen.html
s community in a blog - 2007: kellywegelpho…astic-life.html
Article on new superior: georgiabu…06/05/superior/
1999 article & photos on their altar bread making: georgiabu…al/1999/06/03/h
IRL Profile: db.religiouslife.com/reg_life/irl.nsf/org/36
nformation on the Profession Cross the Visitation nuns and Oblates wear:
Info on St. Francis de Sales’ Spiritual Directory the nuns and Oblates use daily:
Love to watch these but have no clue as to what language it is in - Portugese (sorry spelled wrong I know!)? This same film company did a several part documentary on the Carmel of the Cure d’Ars (or some such name) and others. I wish they had English subtitles.
These videos follow the vocation/life of a young woman who enters a Visitation monastery. Called “Tao Novinha E Monja”
Part 1 - youtube.c…L8OSTKNGMg& NR=1
Part 2 - youtube.c…feature=related
Part 3 - youtube.c…vckbUVtDJA& NR=1
Article: georgiabu…isitation_nuns/
Pictures/Slideshow from above article: georgiabu…ss_09_vsisters/
Additional pictures: photophil…ry_weichen.html
s community in a blog - 2007: kellywegelpho…astic-life.html
Article on new superior: georgiabu…06/05/superior/
1999 article & photos on their altar bread making: georgiabu…al/1999/06/03/h
IRL Profile: db.religiouslife.com/reg_life/irl.nsf/org/36
nformation on the Profession Cross the Visitation nuns and Oblates wear:
Info on St. Francis de Sales’ Spiritual Directory the nuns and Oblates use daily:
Love to watch these but have no clue as to what language it is in - Portugese (sorry spelled wrong I know!)? This same film company did a several part documentary on the Carmel of the Cure d’Ars (or some such name) and others. I wish they had English subtitles.
These videos follow the vocation/life of a young woman who enters a Visitation monastery. Called “Tao Novinha E Monja”
Part 1 - youtube.c…L8OSTKNGMg& NR=1
Part 2 - youtube.c…feature=related
Part 3 - youtube.c…vckbUVtDJA& NR=1