Visited by demons?

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I am planning on converting to Catholicism as soon as I can, next fall, through RCIA. I said this in a previous post…until then, I have been practicing the faith as fully as I can, without being baptized into the Church (sorry for repeating myself!) 🙂 I have known for months that this is where I belong, and have been trying to be an example of the faith to my family, which, to say the least, is very broken and “messed up.”

For months, I have also been having nightmares. Not necessarily “wake up screaming in the night” dreams, but disturbing, strange, weird, sometimes scary, dreams. I have woken up shaking once or twice, but generally these dreams are just mentally shaking. I have never been one to have nightmares before this.

I didn’t relate any of this to possible “bad spirits” or “demons” at the time, but I have been growing in the faith, praying, coming BACK to God (I once attended a Nazarene church for a few years, and found it to be very false and uncomfortable but still felt close to God)…something Satan desperately does not want. I also should note that my coming to the Church exhibited a complete TURNAROUND on tons of beliefs I thought I felt strongly about…nothing short of a miracle…

Anyway, I’m rambling. During the time these nightmares were happening, I was in the car with my boyfriend (the one who has quietly led me to the Truth) on a visit to my father’s house, which is 3 hours away. We both began feeling very uneasy at the same time…and experienced an intense feeling of doom, death, something absolutely horrible—something we cannot even describe or begin to feel again, or compare to anything…we both thought someone in our families had died or something horrible was about to happen. Then, my boyfriend and I began to talk, that night, about the demons in my family, the demons in my past and my life, what I was overcoming, how this could have something to do with the nightmares and our feeling. We felt we might have been “attacked” by demons.

Then I realized…I had been praying to God to give me some sort of a sign. I was gradually beginning to believe in the Church and see it clearly, but I felt I needed one little push–and maybe this was it. Maybe I was being shown what exactly I was up against.

Anyone have any (name removed by moderator)ut or similar experiences? To this day we still have no idea, but speculate, that this might be what occurred. Whether it was a good force or a bad force, unsure, but it led to good things. I hold more conviction than ever, after that incident.

I am still experiencing the dreams here and there.
Pax Domini Megan,
Congratulations on your conversion to the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
As for your dreams and experiences I would suggest you get yourself a good Priest as a spiritual director, he can help explain these occurences and whether they are demonic or not. I would tend to think that your dreams stem from an unconcious anxiety about your big change, how will it affect the faimily, am I really doing the right thing etc. However satan can be allowed to test your faith but by the sound of it your faith is pretty strong.
I am a convert also and had a supernatural experience before I even knew God (the Mother Teresa sisters had been praying for me) But this experince was positive and contributed heavily to my abandonment of my drug lifestyle and conversion to the faith.
You may want to sprinkle your bed with Holy water at night, keep a miraculous medal under your pillow just to make sure.
God bless and Mary protect you on your journey to the Heart of Christ in his Holy Church.
Br CreosMary
Demonic activity is very common. Especially for those who turn to God, and learn the truth. Try getting your house and car blessed by the priest. A good meal and beverage of his choice will entice him. Pray to St Michael the Archangel , your Guardian Angel and especially our Lady to protect you. And get some holy water and bless your bed before getting in. Never talk directly to them, rather ask Jesus to cast them back into the abyss. Don’t worry or get scrupulous. The devils are like a wild dog on a leash. They can’t move without God’s permission.
It probably is the sign you asked for. And welcome to the Church in advance.
Hey Sorb - congrats on your conversion!
I have had one or two experiences like yours. If you haven’t looked into a spiritual director, do so. Meanwhile, it always helps me if i keep a rosary under my pillow. The St. Michael’s prayer is very powerful as well. When i wake up in the middle of the night, saying the Creed or the Hail Mary always comforts me…St. Benedict is a good saint to ask for help on these occasions too. Pax ~

You and I do not know that you were visited by a demon, but don’t rule it out. Stop and think, Satan doesn’t have to sttack those who are a long ways from God. Satan does want all souls. Satan may try to get into the minds of those who are actually working their way toward God. Usually Satan jumps with both feet on thoses who are new Catholics.

The St. Michael’s Prayer
Saint Michael defend us in Battle. Be our safegaurd against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do though, oh prince of heavenly hosts, by the power of God, Cast down satan, and all his evil spirits who wonder now through out the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
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