Visual Evangelization

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I have some some house guests coming to visit and one is a Protestant Evangelical who always likes to “show me the errors” of my Catholic faith. I am getting the guest room ready and was “rearranging my library” so I could leave some of my Apologetics books around the house. I was going to leave Crossing the Tiber, a Biblical Defense of Catholicism, and a few other books in the room they are staying in. I am also putting some of my other books out on the book shelf in the living room.

I wont talk about our differences unless he raises them but I thought leaving the books out might be good in case he gets jet lag and feels like doing a little reading! I think this is a subtle way to share my faith, if it comes up, and also if the Holy Spirit leads him to do a little reading. His wife is also Japanese so I am leaving out a few books in Japanese about Christianity and Catholicism. It isnt like I wil put them on her pillow though!

Do you think there is any way they might find this offensive? I know it is my house but I want them to feel comfortable… I have always had a hard time verbalizing my faith with nonCatholics, particularly because he puts me on the defensive. And for awhile, I was not confident enough in my ability to explain my faith, but thanks to CAF I have made a lot of progress.

I want to share my faith but I have always been turned off by Fundamentalists who are so pushy, “in your face” and ask every five minutes if I have “been saved.” So I don`t want to become the Catholic version of that.

Let me know what you think. It was kind of surprising how many books I have collected in the couple of years. I feel like I own half of what is available online at CAF! I kind of like the idea of having some of these books “scattered” throughout my bookshelves. I think it is less intimidating for others than having them all in one spot. And I think they are more likely to be looked at by visitors etc.


I think that it is a wonderfull idea. When you do talk with him about the faith, it will more than likely come up, do it with charity. Do not try to win an argument. Maybe point him to one of those books if something comes up and you are not sure how to respond.
It’s a wonderful idea and goes right along with todays Reading from Luke about not hiding the light under the table…

Jesus said to the crowd:
“No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel
or sets it under a bed;
rather, he places it on a lampstand
so that those who enter may see the light.
For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible,
and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light.
Take care, then, how you hear.
To anyone who has, more will be given,
and from the one who has not,
even what he seems to have will be taken away.”
Do you think there is any way they might find this offensive? I know it is my house but I want them to feel comfortable…
It **is **your house. It represents who you are, and that’s Catholic.

They may or may not find the books to be offensive, but if you put only secular books in there that wouldn’t reflect properly on you either. They may consider it an indication that you aren’t as devout as they thought which would give them the opening to try to evangelize to you.

If you put Fundamentalist Christian books out there in an attempt to make them most comfortable, that, too, would lead them to jump to the conclusion you are open to changing faiths.

The only options you have are to have Catholic literature about the house or no literature. No literature would also not reflect truthfully on who you are, besides, they might jump to the conclusion you really need the Word in your house and you’ll find yourself on the receiving end of a Christian Book Club courtesy of them as a Christmas gift. 😛

You are not responsible for whether or not they take offense at the hospitality you provide (given that hospitality is charitable, kind and sincere). If they are so uncomfortable being in a home with Catholic artifacts and literature visible for all, then they are free to decline any future stays in your home (opting to use hotels when they next visit). This happens between my brother and my parents and other siblings. His wife is so adamant about what the children are exposed to she insists they stay in hotels whenever they visit. We don’t take offense at all. In fact, it’s better than having them under our roof and complaining the entire time or fidgeting in their discomfort.
Thanks for everyones posts! I know they wont be offended at the Catholic books, but I know they might be surrprised to see books like Crossing the Tiber (books about former Evangelical Christians who are now Catholic). It might look " alittle obvious" but I am going to leave them on the bookshelves anyway.

I think I am going to leave them there after they leave too. It is a small step but a big one for me. Up until recently, I was always very private about my faith. I think is a small but important step for me. I used to keep all of my apologetics books in my bedroom, because that is where I like to read, and because my friends already thought I had “gone off the deep end” whenI had such a strong reversion to my faith. (I am 31 and still single and most of my friends have left the Church, or are non-practicing Cafeterial Catholics at best).


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