I have some some house guests coming to visit and one is a Protestant Evangelical who always likes to “show me the errors” of my Catholic faith. I am getting the guest room ready and was “rearranging my library” so I could leave some of my Apologetics books around the house. I was going to leave Crossing the Tiber, a Biblical Defense of Catholicism, and a few other books in the room they are staying in. I am also putting some of my other books out on the book shelf in the living room.
I won
Do you think there is any way they might find this offensive? I know it is my house but I want them to feel comfortable… I have always had a hard time verbalizing my faith with nonCatholics, particularly because he puts me on the defensive. And for awhile, I was not confident enough in my ability to explain my faith, but thanks to CAF I have made a lot of progress.
I want to share my faith but I have always been turned off by Fundamentalists who are so pushy, “in your face” and ask every five minutes if I have “been saved.” So I don`t want to become the Catholic version of that.
Let me know what you think. It was kind of surprising how many books I have collected in the couple of years. I feel like I own half of what is available online at CAF! I kind of like the idea of having some of these books “scattered” throughout my bookshelves. I think it is less intimidating for others than having them all in one spot. And I think they are more likely to be looked at by visitors etc.
I won
t talk about our differences unless he raises them but I thought leaving the books out might be good in case he gets jet lag and feels like doing a little reading! I think this is a subtle way to share my faith, if it comes up, and also if the Holy Spirit leads him to do a little reading. His wife is also Japanese so I am leaving out a few books in Japanese about Christianity and Catholicism. It isn
t like I wil put them on her pillow though!Do you think there is any way they might find this offensive? I know it is my house but I want them to feel comfortable… I have always had a hard time verbalizing my faith with nonCatholics, particularly because he puts me on the defensive. And for awhile, I was not confident enough in my ability to explain my faith, but thanks to CAF I have made a lot of progress.
I want to share my faith but I have always been turned off by Fundamentalists who are so pushy, “in your face” and ask every five minutes if I have “been saved.” So I don`t want to become the Catholic version of that.
Let me know what you think. It was kind of surprising how many books I have collected in the couple of years. I feel like I own half of what is available online at CAF! I kind of like the idea of having some of these books “scattered” throughout my bookshelves. I think it is less intimidating for others than having them all in one spot. And I think they are more likely to be looked at by visitors etc.