I feel a strong call for single life. how does one go about doing this in the vocational sense? as in, consecrated single? is it just a vow of celibacy?
As a baptised Catholic and lay person, one already has a vocation and call - a mission and apostolate. I suggest you read the Vatican Document "Christifideles Laici - The Mission and Vocation of The Laity"w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_30121988_christifideles-laici.htmlI feel a strong call for single life. how does one go about doing this in the vocational sense? as in, consecrated single? is it just a vow of celibacy?
I think you mean chastity.Also, as an unmarried baptised Catholic in the laity, one already has a call and vocation to celibacy.
I was thinking about consecrated virgin but I don’t think I would be eligible due some past stuffIf you are a woman, you might one day become a consecrated virgin, which is different than being single, as you then would be officially married to Jesus via a consecration by your Bishop and this would be irrevocable.
You can also make private vows if you feel drawn to that, but you should never vow anything you are not sure of and nothing that you have not felt drawn to for a very long period of time. A private vow may be dispensed by a priest.
If you feel VERY drawn to it and have wanted it for a very long time, you might ask God to marry you privately and at least if you really mean it and are mature enough to ask for this, I’m not quite sure if a priest’s dispensation would take that away if God said “yes” and I don’t necessarily mean so that you can hear Him with your ears (in which case, as long as you are not mentally ill and experiencing an auditory hallucination, than I’d say that a priest’s dispensation would definitely not be enough,) but at least with your
heart–just to clarify. I asked Jesus to marry me and felt Him say “yes” so I don’t consider myself single, although I do recognize that I am still a part of the laity.
I’ve been considering that too, so all members of secular institutes are considered to be consecrated?As a baptised Catholic and lay person, one already has a vocation and call - a mission and apostolate. I suggest you read the Vatican Document "Christifideles Laici - The Mission and Vocation of The Laity"w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_30121988_christifideles-laici.html
Also, as an unmarried baptised Catholic in the laity, one already has a call and vocation to celibacy. If you would like to make some sort of private vow or vows, I suggest you consult with a spiritual director. Some single Catholics make private vows to the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience (I have done this) - wise and prudent to consult with a spiritual director initially and on an ongoing basis for the life of the vows.
Secular Institutes are a way of remaining in secular life in a consecrated state of life rather than in the laity.
What I said was: “Also, as an unmarried baptised Catholic in the laity, one already has a call and vocation to celibacy” or celibate chastity. If one is a married baptised Catholic in the laity then one has a vocation and call to conjugal chastity.I think you mean chastity.
You got it and spot on!…edited…
Where do you start. We’ve heard it all before, everybody say it with me, Go talk to your Spiritual Director…![]()
Insofar as I am aware a secular institute is the newest form of consecrated life in The Church. If I were to discern with one, however I would first ask if they are indeed in consecrated life. I do not know much about them at all.I’ve been considering that too, so all members of secular institutes are considered to be consecrated?
The Church has stated that rape victims are eligible to receive the consecration.Consecrated Virgins are the oldest form of consecrated life in The Church. The Church is very strict about requirements and one needs to be a physical virgin - but again, if one is interested in this vocation in consecrated life, one should consult one’s diocesan vocations director about the actual requirements for this vocation. I am unsure as to what might apply re rape victims.
Always consult with an actual Church authority rather than information gleaned off the internet - just as a double check always.
Thank youThe Church has stated that rape victims are eligible to receive the consecration.