Vocal and Mental Prayer

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Maybe this is a pretty basic question, but we should clear this up with some teachings from saints the Church etc…
When do we know to pray silently or vocally?
May you pray the Hail Mary silently still expecting her to hear what you ask?
May you pray the rosary quietly and still recieve the same grace or is vocal better?
Is it best to meditate and prayer the formal prayers vocally…
I understand this is a matter of personal preference for some of our prayer, but is there a reason for vocal vs. mental? When are we required to pray vocally vs. keeping things in our hearts?..

Personally, I like to be silent lately, I find it more peaceful…
Vocal prayer and mental prayer is up to your discression. Pretty much whatever you want and when you want it as far as the type, and you can pray the hail mary however you wish. In reguards to vocal prayer it is helpful for group prayer if it is vocal so everyone is on the same page. There is no extra spiritual grace as far as vocal or mental is concerned as far as I know. Though the grace recieved is congruent to how deep you went with the prayer.
I did find it a lot easier to concentrate and less likely for my mind to wander during LOTH when I pray the psalms aloud, and stand for the parts I would normally stand for when praying in the larger group. also during lectio divina I find it very helpful to read the bible passage aloud at least once or twice during the process, especially passages that read like poetry (which should always be recited aloud). John’s gospel comes under that category to my mind.
Certain kinds of prayer are difficult for some folks. Quiet meditative pray requires some practice. There are some good books,if you are interested in this. Most people begin with devotional prayer: rosary Etc. Many of the saints were able to enter in a very personal type of prayer. They would go into almost unconsciousness. We are all called to be saints. This type of prayer takes practice. Another type of prayer is spontaneous prayer. There are no words to use as a guide, you pray what is in your heart. Some feel that the ability to pray in this manner is a gift. There are other types of prayer and many books that explain them all.
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