Have any of you had a fairly clear call from the Lord to a vocation, and then found yourself continuing to cling to the hope of marriage in the future?
I must say, that if you really want to get married, but feel a ‘call’ to another vocation that makes you sad, languid, depressed, angry etc., that’s not a vocation. As it has been truthfully said, God does not call people into a vocation kicking and screaming. You might not initially want it, and the desire might come a little later, but if you’re heart is set on the right things, you’ll want the right things.Have any of you had a fairly clear call from the Lord to a vocation, and then found yourself continuing to cling to the hope of marriage in the future?
This has happened to me recently. I feel so sure I have a religious vocation, as those close to me would be able to assure you, but for some reason I believe God is now leading me to a different vocation, quite possibly marriage. It honestly scares me, because my discernment to the religious life was going so well, and I seriously don’t understand what God has planned for me now. I haven’t given up on discerning my religious vocation, but I feel like there’s something else to this discernment that I’m not aware of.Have any of you had a fairly clear call from the Lord to a vocation, and then found yourself continuing to cling to the hope of marriage in the future?
Widows becoming nuns in a religious institute is different from the Order of Widows where they can be consecrated publicly like the virgins.My daughter is 13. Her and I are auxilary members of the Legion of Mary; this is how I am acquainted with the Visitandines, that and through my spiritual director. I have looked into the Daughters of St. Frances de Sales, as that is certainly an option.
My spiritual director is waiting to see how the visit to the Monastery goes, much like myself. I think he just likes to give me a hard time. I was his secretary for a long time.
What do you mean that the Vatican does not recognize the order of widows? Does that mean that widows that have recently taken final vows in the monasteries are illicit?
The Visitation Order is most definitely recognized , St. Margaret Mary was a nun in the Order, it was founded by St. Jane de Chantal and St. Francis De Sales, have a lot of Convents around the world including Lourdes and a few houses in the States etc. It is meant for women of a delicate nature, who cannot get up at night to pray like most of the enclosed Convents, after that its much the same.My daughter is 13. Her and I are auxilary members of the Legion of Mary; this is how I am acquainted with the Visitandines, that and through my spiritual director. I have looked into the Daughters of St. Frances de Sales, as that is certainly an option.
My spiritual director is waiting to see how the visit to the Monastery goes, much like myself. I think he just likes to give me a hard time. I was his secretary for a long time.
What do you mean that the Vatican does not recognize the order of widows? Does that mean that widows that have recently taken final vows in the monasteries are illicit?
Yes…Have any of you had a fairly clear call from the Lord to a vocation, and then found yourself continuing to cling to the hope of marriage in the future?
Thirteen is a very volatile age. She will need your steady hand to navigate her teen years. I would work on the cloister within and be her best friend so she doesnt seek solace from the wrong people.