Hello everybody, sort of a shot in the dark here, but I figured I might as well try to ask you all since you’re usually quite helpful.
I will be graduating college with a degree in Microbiology in Spring of 2015. My passion has always been to tie together Catholicism and Science. I’ve been praying and discerning a lot, and I feel I am called to a field that combines both of these.
The problem is, …I really don’t know what types of fields offer this. I have had some interest in Bioethics, but as far as I can tell this is the only thing I can think of that combines both Science and Faith.
I get that it’s a small niche, but I thought I’d ask if anybody had any insights.
Thank you,
I will be graduating college with a degree in Microbiology in Spring of 2015. My passion has always been to tie together Catholicism and Science. I’ve been praying and discerning a lot, and I feel I am called to a field that combines both of these.
The problem is, …I really don’t know what types of fields offer this. I have had some interest in Bioethics, but as far as I can tell this is the only thing I can think of that combines both Science and Faith.
I get that it’s a small niche, but I thought I’d ask if anybody had any insights.
Thank you,