Vocation Help - Science and Faith Career!

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Hello everybody, sort of a shot in the dark here, but I figured I might as well try to ask you all since you’re usually quite helpful.

I will be graduating college with a degree in Microbiology in Spring of 2015. My passion has always been to tie together Catholicism and Science. I’ve been praying and discerning a lot, and I feel I am called to a field that combines both of these.

The problem is, …I really don’t know what types of fields offer this. I have had some interest in Bioethics, but as far as I can tell this is the only thing I can think of that combines both Science and Faith.

I get that it’s a small niche, but I thought I’d ask if anybody had any insights.

Thank you,

Hmm…that is a toughie

It seems that the ones I could find couldn’t find a way to combine it either…
which isn’t necessary a bad thing, microbiologists can do a lot of good for the world
and you can still be a good and faithful Catholic, showing your faith in and out of church
(even though it might be difficult while working in the sciences)


(ncr… I know but this article seems pretty neutral)

The only other alternative I can think of is a teacher at a Catholic institution

[BIBLEDRB]Colossians 3:17[/BIBLEDRB]
Hello everybody, sort of a shot in the dark here, but I figured I might as well try to ask you all since you’re usually quite helpful.

I will be graduating college with a degree in Microbiology in Spring of 2015. My passion has always been to tie together Catholicism and Science. I’ve been praying and discerning a lot, and I feel I am called to a field that combines both of these.

The problem is, …I really don’t know what types of fields offer this. I have had some interest in Bioethics, but as far as I can tell this is the only thing I can think of that combines both Science and Faith.

I get that it’s a small niche, but I thought I’d ask if anybody had any insights.

Thank you,

I think that another way would be to work in microbiology, then volunteer on the side is something in Catholicism.

Here’s an example of some Catholic volunteer placements.

Hello everybody, sort of a shot in the dark here, but I figured I might as well try to ask you all since you’re usually quite helpful.

I will be graduating college with a degree in Microbiology in Spring of 2015. My passion has always been to tie together Catholicism and Science. I’ve been praying and discerning a lot, and I feel I am called to a field that combines both of these.

The problem is, …I really don’t know what types of fields offer this. I have had some interest in Bioethics, but as far as I can tell this is the only thing I can think of that combines both Science and Faith.

I get that it’s a small niche, but I thought I’d ask if anybody had any insights.

Thank you,

Have you looked into teaching Bioethics at a Catholic University or being on the Bioethics board of a Catholic hospital?
Hello everybody, sort of a shot in the dark here, but I figured I might as well try to ask you all since you’re usually quite helpful.

I will be graduating college with a degree in Microbiology in Spring of 2015. My passion has always been to tie together Catholicism and Science. I’ve been praying and discerning a lot, and I feel I am called to a field that combines both of these.

The problem is, …I really don’t know what types of fields offer this. I have had some interest in Bioethics, but as far as I can tell this is the only thing I can think of that combines both Science and Faith.

I get that it’s a small niche, but I thought I’d ask if anybody had any insights.

Thank you,

I think you have to be careful in many ways. I was a biology major with a concentration in genetics. As I explored different employment options I found most would put me in direct opposition to the Church. Now that is not true of everything.

Back in “the day” when I was in my 20’s there was little discussion of forensics. Had there been that is what I would have done, since being a part of solving crimes for victims and their families would have been something I would have liked. As it was I did use my degree to work with the disabled, but even that wound up leading to things that would have caused me to disobey Church teachings. (Like teaching birth control to male and female clients with the mental capacity of a 3 year old. Oh Yes!)

I am sure microbiology could come in handy in public health capacities, like the Center for Disease Control, some research as long as it does not involve human embryo research, animal husbandry and the like. You just have some research to do. When ever looking into a position ask yourself what your duties might be and what they will entail. See if you can come up with any moral quandaries that might occur, as this could save you a lot of grief. Good luck.
I don’t know what your beliefs are on this matter but… you could look for work possibly doing research for a Catholic organization which strives to promote true science and a belief in Creationism (as opposed to Evolution). I suggest The Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation. kolbecenter.org/ I’m not sure if they actually hire scientists (they’re probably on a low budget) but scientists have certainly contributed scientific articles and given presentations for them. They’re even having a public debate soon with both Science and Theology perspectives. Microbiology sounds like the perfect field for that kind of research. It’s a really great way to combine Faith and Science, but I’m not sure if you could turn it into a full time career. In any case, it’s worth looking in to.

I also just found this, sadly small, list of such organizations:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Catholic_creationist_organisations .
Ever thought about medicine or off branches
such as neurosurgery?

Do you volunteer at your parish?
I have the same aspiration as you!

I love the sciences and I love our faith. The first scientists were philosophers. Faith and science had a place together! All existence, beauty, truth all comes from God, is in God and points to God.

I have no qualms with marrying science and faith…and the further science goes, I find that it points to God.

If you want to mingle them both…then you become a CATHOLIC scientist. It’s just that simple. You do whatever you do. You’ll find your happiness in being in awe of Gods world and noticing deep truths that point back to Him in the science you study. You use your talents in being to understand what you do to promote truths of the faith and to help people and advance the science and in so doing mystically bring us closer to God.

I love science, I love our faith and I love working with people. I am working towards a career in nursing. My goal is to get a DNP, a doctoral degree as a nurse practitioner. That will let me go deeper into the sciences, help people, and I will practice as a catholic. I also want to look into going into the diaconate.

There are regular nurses, atheist nurse, and holy catholic nurses that I’ve seen make differences! My wife is a kindergarten teacher… looking at her school, I see catholic teachers, atheist teachers, etc etc…

It is the same in micro careers too.

It is not the degree you hold , but the spirituality/philosophy you allow to be at your center that will define you.

God bless
I graduated last year with a major in both Biology and Religious Studies. My research advisor was Catholic and has her Ph.D. in genetics!

Have you read Pierre Teilhard de Chardin? He was a Jesuit priest/geologist and has some interesting writings regarding the Church and science.

As for myself, I don’t intend on being a scientist but I plan on hopefully writing about the intersections between science and religion.

I can’t offer much help but to say pray a lot and that I think you are right in saying there is not a lot out there, unfortunately, that directly combines faith and science. But that in a sense is a good thing, because perhaps God will use you to bring science and faith together in a new and innovative way!

Praying for you.
Hello everybody, sort of a shot in the dark here, but I figured I might as well try to ask you all since you’re usually quite helpful.

I will be graduating college with a degree in Microbiology in Spring of 2015. My passion has always been to tie together Catholicism and Science. I’ve been praying and discerning a lot, and I feel I am called to a field that combines both of these.

The problem is, …I really don’t know what types of fields offer this. I have had some interest in Bioethics, but as far as I can tell this is the only thing I can think of that combines both Science and Faith.

I get that it’s a small niche, but I thought I’d ask if anybody had any insights.

Thank you,

may st albert the great, the dominican and dr of the church, intercede for you. he was known for bringing the sciences and faith together.

such is also a purpose of our kateri ministry, a branch of the charity associates of our lady of the miraculous medal. cloisters.tripod.com/camm/

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