I feel a great desire to be married, but it is not easy these days to meet a ‘normal’ guy. It’s not easy for me to really like someone. Anyway, my struggle is getting even more difficult now that one of my friends who I usually go out with and actually get opportunities to meet people has told me she doesn’t think she wants to go out anymore. I have to respect her decision, but I only have her and anther close friend who is my same age and single, but she barely likes to go out. I’m trying desperately to find a single catholic girl friend who would like to go out. I met my friend who recently told me she doesn’t want to go out anymore from an online dating site, because at the point in my life I was desperate for a friend to go out with. We had a good connection and I’m happy that we became friends. I went back on the same dating site trying to find a new friend, (not a guy to date, because not interested in any of those guys). I feel like I might be trying too hard, but I don’t know what else to do. I want to meet a guy, and I have the most opportunity when I go out (from my experience).
Should I stop trying and ‘let go, let God’, or is it good that I’m trying?
Should I stop trying and ‘let go, let God’, or is it good that I’m trying?