Is it standard for young men and women who step forward in any fashion to present themselves as possibly having a vocation, to be routinely rejected and dismissed, again and again, until they are finally admitted to a seminary or a convent?
The Biblical basis for this would be chapter 1 of Ruth (or if not, then chapter 2) where Ruth is told to go home a couple times, to test whether she is serious about converting to Judaism?
I’m an old man now, and I was dismissed over and over, out of hand, when I stepped forward to discuss a possible calling to the priesthood or diaconate. (about a year ago, I was kicked out of my parish Bible study.)
That’s even why I have chosen Sirach 2 v 4 as my username on this website. I always seem to be in the crucible of humiliation.
(As gold is tested in fire, so are [even] wise men in the crucible of humiliation.)
The Biblical basis for this would be chapter 1 of Ruth (or if not, then chapter 2) where Ruth is told to go home a couple times, to test whether she is serious about converting to Judaism?
I’m an old man now, and I was dismissed over and over, out of hand, when I stepped forward to discuss a possible calling to the priesthood or diaconate. (about a year ago, I was kicked out of my parish Bible study.)
That’s even why I have chosen Sirach 2 v 4 as my username on this website. I always seem to be in the crucible of humiliation.
(As gold is tested in fire, so are [even] wise men in the crucible of humiliation.)