Vocation seed planted and fertilized

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My son (1st grader) who is a reading maniac.He is independently reading a 300 page kids bible and just loves it. Last night I asked him if he likes stuff about god and he said yeah its pretty good stuff. I asked him if he thought it would be cool to be a priest. He said “yeah and you could go though deacon school and help me in church some day”. I just laughed and watched the gears turn in his head. It was pretty funny. Then it got me thinking if the whole thing was in gods will. Is there any Church law prohibiting such an occurance. Has anyone ever heard of a similar situation. I have about 25-30 years to think about this but it sparks some intrigue.
My son (1st grader) who is a reading maniac.He is independently reading a 300 page kids bible and just loves it. Last night I asked him if he likes stuff about god and he said yeah its pretty good stuff. I asked him if he thought it would be cool to be a priest. He said “yeah and you could go though deacon school and help me in church some day”. I just laughed and watched the gears turn in his head. It was pretty funny. Then it got me thinking if the whole thing was in gods will. Is there any Church law prohibiting such an occurance. Has anyone ever heard of a similar situation. I have about 25-30 years to think about this but it sparks some intrigue.
Alot of great Priests have always wanted to be Priests. So its no surprise. I mean, wasn’t Christ the one who asked the Children to come to him? Some of the best musicians and artists are children, indeed some of the best martyrs and saints have been children. For example, Blessed Imelda Lambourtini, always longed to receive communion, joining the convent at an extremely early age, the Eucharist actually came out of the tabernacle and rested just above her head and the Priest who was watching had to give her communion, despite it being contrary to the law back then.

In America you have alot more paths open to you then in other countries, so I would seriously think about sending him to a minor seminary.

Another idea would be to pray the Liturgy of the Hours as a family. The full hours might be too much, and too expensive to purchase the books, so the simpler and cheaper Little office of the Blessed Virgin Mary might be a viable option.

Also the altar boy deal, its great, get him up there, and where possible, in an orthodox parish with the cassock and surplace. Weekly Communion and Confession.

Finally, pray, pray, pray and encourage. Have him read books about Priests, there should be some out there on St John Vianney and Ignatius of Loyola. When he’s asleep, keep whispering “you’re gonna be a Priest” into his ears.

Also, check out www.vocation.com, its excellent.

Good luck 👍
There isn’t minor (HS?) semiary within 200 miles of our town and there is no way I would send my son to any area or place that I haven’t had significant (years) experience with myself. John Trigilio’s horror stories about his minor semiary also nailed that one shut for me. I Live in the a small midwestern state in a town of 5000. The nearest parochial shcool is 70 miles away. (In the big city of 120,000 people). Towns of this size here are spread out by around 50 miles. One of the benefits of living here is the innocence and extreme shelter we have from the “world” . If you live in my town you are either Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian or an non-denomiational evangelical. We all know and deeply respect each other with family like love. In my town of 5000 typically 4000 of us are inside a church on sunday mornings. The public shcool system academically is above most public and parochail schools. I cannot think of one teacher in our school system that isn’t a church attending christian. My son took his kids bible to school with him to read aloud for group reading and there was absolutely no problem with it. (remember this is public school). I will take your advice on the saint books. He thinks churchy stuff is way cool. Pray for him…we may have a good one.


Above are two links for periodicals that you can order which may help any Catholic parent, not just one that may be nurturing a vocation.
The first one is Catholic Parent Magazine and the other is Faith and Family Magazine. Both magazines are amazing resource tools for other links to help guide our children to become stonger Catholics.

Faith and Family also offers a free trial issue. Once you get them you will say, why didn’t I do this years ago. We do baptismal and marriage prep in two parishes and highly recommend this as a gift to give to new parents, or to children as they make their sacraments. They love receiving their own magazines in the mail.

Both magazines will offer ways to instill Christianity in every day activities. The pictures, the stories, the features will help spur your child towards looking forward to the next edition so that he will want to learn more and more about his faith.
God bless you for planting a seed that can only spread to others!

Keep praying on it!
There isn’t minor (HS?) semiary within 200 miles of our town and…
John Triglio, went to seminary in a very different time from ours. Keep in mind that now that the situation is a bit more serious, it is only the deeply committed that would actually teach there. Also your child would be in highschool by the time its okay for him to start. And finally, you could do some research on it, obviously I’m not suggesting you send your son to a place you’ve never known about, with a less than decent reputation, I’m saying look for a good orthodox one. If it turns out its not good, not orthodox, then don’t worry, but atleast you’d know you exhausted every resource.

If you want your son to be a great priest, wouldn’t you afford him every last opportunity? I mean if there was some sort of exclusive school for the gifted, we wouldn’t think twice about sending our kids, but if it has something to do with his eternal salvation, we become hesitant? Shows how weird our culture has become. However, you’re the parent, never think that I’m implying I know more than you. Just I probably have a more objective view 😃 All I’m saying is don’t write it off right from the beggining.

Discerning my own vocation, I have only passed on to you what I was recommended, keeping in mind that I am a teen and your son is alot younger, I kept out the larger committments. However, I’d give anything to be able to attend a good minor seminary. Ask yourself, do you really want the bright cloth of your son’s soul stained by the cesspool of highschool? Lets not be naive here, alot could happen.

Catechize your son, teach him total fidelity to the Church’s Magisterium. So much grace comes out of submission to Christ! Take him to Adoration, explain who it is up there in the monstrance, and because he’s so young, maybe combine it afterwards with some father and son activity to reinforce the feeling that going to adoration is special.

Also, get EWTN, watch, constantly, if you sometimes eat dinner at the tv, eat watching EWTN. Be as traditional as possible in your spirituality, always in submission to the Pope, but teach your kids a love for the 2000 year old heritage we have received, and acknowledge that some people would see that heritage destroyed. Put zeal into their hearts! (For the record, I acknowledge Vatican II and my comments are directed at the Liberals who would see the Mass reduced to a mere prayer meeting with music).

If theres a youth group, or something to cater for your son’s spirituality and age, send him. But always teach him the truth, that the Mass isn’t meant to become some sort of entertainment concert, that its the Holy Sacrifice of Calvary, so you might want to take him to some nice Catholic Liturgies, ie incense, latin, chant, organ, the whole chebang. Again, reinforce its specialness with some sort of family activity, the family being the domestic Church. Being a husband and father, your job to love your wife and kids into heaven, making Christ real to them, is a real tough one 😃

I will place your son’s name on my altar. Oh and I forgot, maybe you could do some sacrifices on your own for your son’s vocation, give up some meat, tv, hobbies, etc, using the merits and applying them to and for your son. Think about it, you’d be gaining so much back when He offers the Holy Mass daily for you!

And obviously, screen what he watches and surfs on the net and who he hangs out with. Constant Vigilance! And while I’m here, pray for me too. I have so much homework and I’m about to go into the toughest years of school! And I’m setting up 3 youth groups (we’re lacking a spiritual director for one of them) 😦 Anyway, your son will be on my altar. Again, not trying to override you, just giving you a different perspective.
Gabriel. But we call him Gabe for short. At his baptism the priest remarked to the congregation on how unique is was to have a boy named Gabriel baptised on Aug15 the feast of the assumption.
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