Hi, I was just thinking about my vocation. I really want to focus on doing the work of God here on earth, it’s just I don’t know any other way than to become a priest or a religious. I don’t want to waste my time looking for secular jobs that have nothing to do with saving souls, but I also don’t want to take vows that I don’t even know if I’ll be able to keep. If only there was a way to devote myself to serving Love without having to leave home and make vows. A way that I don’t have to pursue money to provide for food and shelter. Sometimes I wonder if that is that even possible. That would be cool if they had a convent-like place for laity who don’t have to take vows and just be able to live a good life focused on God. Any insights?
Happy to give you my insights Y4T. I would like to be in your shoes again. I know that i have wasted much of the time God has given me pursuing the things of the world. But ,bless God He is able to redeem the time that the devil has stolen. I want to give you wise principles based on scripture.
First of all, doing a secular job does not mean you can’t fully serve God. Jesus worked as a carpenter for many years, but He grew in Grace during that time. In everything we do, we can serve God if we know Him, but the key here is that we must know Him as fully as we can first. That is our job one according to the bible. The word says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God,and His righteousness, and then all these things will be added unto you.” This is step one (after salvation) and you have to do this first or you will not have or be in God’s will no matter how many vows you make. Most do not do this and lose out. You will have a great advantage if you do. Study the lives of great Christians. They are a source of inspiration and a model for us. St Paul did not just go out and start a ministry after he met Jesus. He first spent a few years in prayer and personal worship getting to know his savior and shepherd. He did nothing until he fully knew Jesus and the fullness of his great power toward us. Can we afford to do less? I am convinced that most Christians miss God’s perfect plan for their lives, because it depends on us to put in the work of devotion to Christ and His word first.
Secondly, the word says that we can’t serve two masters. I feel you genuinely want to serve God, know that he will test us first in how we make choices in our everyday life. Are we making Kingdom choices first or do we only look at what benefits us? We must pass the small tests first. This pleases God much more than the making of many vows.
I suggest making a thorough study of old testament saints who were types of Christ and models of faith as in Heb. 11. Also Elijah and Elishah and Jeremiah. What inspires me just as much is the lives of modern day saints. Wow, God has done just as much for them! For example, check out the testimony of one of my most favororite Christians, Heidi Baker. You will find it on You Tube. You will learn, time after time, that all you really need to do is to know God (through Jesus) and His Kingdom and He will make a place for you, because He has already planned it just for you because he love you so much and wants to give you succes and satisfaction, only not doing it our way, but His way. The bible says we are surrounded by “so great a cloud of witnesses” . Their testimony is a great help to us. Study them. See how God led them. He will not do less for you! Set your sites high.
Does this make sense? Let me know. There is much more.