As a person with very strong same-sex attractions (SSA), I have fought for years… but with no change in “orientation”. I am simply not attracted to members of the opposite sex, and that means Marriage would be dishonest. It seems that God wishes to be glorified in me by a life of joyful penance, and living the Gospel in celibacy.
I want to be faithful to the Church and Her teaching, and also to prevent my soul and the souls of others from being led into temptation. This means that the priesthood is not an option, nor the Religious life - my two greatest dreams. To be honest, I do not desire to remain a simple member of the faithful without canonical status in the Church. I wish to stand up for Her and be one of Her protectors in life, representing Her in my own small way.
The internet is very sparse when it comes to information on “Lay Consecrated” life for men. Third Orders? What sort of vocations are open to a male burdened with SSA? Anything substantial? If there is “only” a simple lay Catholic life for me, and I will be asked “Why did you never become a priest or brother?” for all the days of my life… at least I can suffer it for Jesus’ sake.
Thank you!
As a person with very strong same-sex attractions (SSA), I have fought for years… but with no change in “orientation”. I am simply not attracted to members of the opposite sex, and that means Marriage would be dishonest. It seems that God wishes to be glorified in me by a life of joyful penance, and living the Gospel in celibacy.
I want to be faithful to the Church and Her teaching, and also to prevent my soul and the souls of others from being led into temptation. This means that the priesthood is not an option, nor the Religious life - my two greatest dreams. To be honest, I do not desire to remain a simple member of the faithful without canonical status in the Church. I wish to stand up for Her and be one of Her protectors in life, representing Her in my own small way.
The internet is very sparse when it comes to information on “Lay Consecrated” life for men. Third Orders? What sort of vocations are open to a male burdened with SSA? Anything substantial? If there is “only” a simple lay Catholic life for me, and I will be asked “Why did you never become a priest or brother?” for all the days of my life… at least I can suffer it for Jesus’ sake.
Thank you!