There are usually many ministries availbable in parishes and dioceses throughout the country. Some parishes and dioceses have more than others. One huge one would be Marriage Encounter and/or Engaged Encounter lead couples. You could both be Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist. You could be a marriage preparation couple or an NFP training couple. However, the best people to talk about the ministries available in your parish or diocese would be the people in your parish’s office. They will tell you who the lead person would be to contact regarding any of these ministries, and whether the ministry is at the diocese level or the parish level.
In addition, if your husband is so inclined (depending on his age), after you guys have been active in your parish for a while, he could apply for the permanent diaconate (though, it doesn’t mean he would be accepted - I applied earlier this year and was turned down; too many good applicants).