"it is NOT quite the same as making PUBLIC vows"
Quite true in Canon Law and theological determinations; however, the important thing in discerning is the invitation from God to a certain vocational role in The Church. The Church does acknowledge that the vocation and call from God to the celibate lay life can and does exist and I have quoted from these Documents in previous threads. Our universal call is to holiness and all roads (vocations) can and do lead to holiness.
Which road is God inviting me to follow in my own journey to holiness?
On most all diocesan websites nowadays I have sighted anyway, marriage, priesthood, consecrated life and the single life (lay celibate) as vocational states of life are endorsed.
It is very important to note that the lay celibate vocational state (single life) is consciously embraced “for the sake of The Kingdom” - a committed Gospel life in some direction. It is not vocationally what I have seen defined as simply a “default position”. It is a distinct call and from God Spiritual direction is important and lifelong in my book. Certainly, Pope Benedict endorsed spiritual direction for those who desire to follow The Gospel and take their baptism seriously
Finally, The Church does not state that one must make private vows to live out the lay celibate vocation and call - one can simply live the call. This is where spiritual direction is particularly vital - guidance in determining and defining God’s invitation./Q