Vocations for People Who Have Gotten Past SSA

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I was a little anxious about bringing this topic up because I know that most topics that have something about same-sex attraction or homosexuality turn into a disaster. Plus, I think they just get kind of annoying in general. That being said, I’m sorry for making another SSA topic, and I really hope this one doesn’t turn into that.

I have been wondering about this for quite sometime though. (Also, if I have anything wrong, please correct me.) From what I understand though, for someone who is struggling with SSA, and does not feel attracted to women, they should not marry, or enter into the priesthood, just try to live a celebate, holy, life as a single. I think that someone in this case wouldn’t be allowed to enter into marriage because in a way it would be a lie, and the priesthood would be off limits for clear reasons.

What about those who have prayed for a long time and/or gone through therapy who feel that they have overcome their SSA, and it no longer controls them. Do you think it would be ok for them to marry, or become a priest?

Thanks in advance. Christ be with you all:) .
Coming from someone who doesn’t know any of the “rules” about entering the priesthood…
I would think, if someone were sincere in their change-of-heart, then it would seem denying them an opportunity would be very unforgiving.
Just my opinion and guess…
For someone who has recovered from SSA, that is they now have OSA (Opposite …), I do not think it would be a problem to marry or enter the priesthood, provided enough time has passed. It is time that will help to ensure that the recovery is permanent.

How much time? I do not know. I believe the standard for entering the seminary is around two or three years or something like that. Personally, when it comes to something like this, it is often better not to aim for minimums.
Same-sex attractions are most appropriately compared to other sexual disorders such as serial rape and pedophilia. Given the recidivism rates of those last two, it seems to me that though change of sexual orientation may be possible, it simply isn’t worth the risk to allow someone who has grappled with this issue into either marriage or Holy Orders. Let’s try and develop a little more respect for Christ’s sacraments than to use them as holding pens into which we can corral anyone and everyone for no good reason.
Yes, those who have gotten past SSA can enter marriage or religious life/priesthood.

You’re “talking” to a virginal ex-gay. I know what I’m talking about.

If anyone comes to me (discerner, that is) and mentions SSA, I’m usually the first one to tell them to write their autobiography. There are most definitely issues that need to be resolved–then, after further discernment and contemplative prayer, they can figure out where God is leading them. I knew the only way to heal from the abuse I suffered as a child (ages 5-7) was to get married.

SSA had been so strong with me that I literally had to hang onto a piece of furniture one evening when the temptation to go to a lesbian bar had grown as strong as a hurricane. Mentally, I kept clinging to the scriptures which condemned such activity; the teaching of the Church; and my father’s good name. I begged God to tell me WHY this was happening, and the memories of the abuse starting returning.

I honor the original question. If the poster wishes to contact me off-board, please feel free to do so.

There may be a vocation (priest/religious) for someone who has overcome SSA, but it would be important to find a good spiritual director, and make sure that you have worked through all the issues that caused it.
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