Dear Catholic Answers:
I noticed that under the title of Vocations, you mention priests and religious, but not deacons, who are ordained ministers in the Catholic Church, and part of her hierarchy. I would humble suggest that you prayerfully consider adding deacons.
Deacon do very important work for the church and the people of God, while I know that there is a shortage of priests, and we all should pray and encourage young men and some older men at times to consider the priesthood, let us not forget the vocations to the diaconate .
Many blessings and thanks for having these forums here.
I noticed that under the title of Vocations, you mention priests and religious, but not deacons, who are ordained ministers in the Catholic Church, and part of her hierarchy. I would humble suggest that you prayerfully consider adding deacons.
Deacon do very important work for the church and the people of God, while I know that there is a shortage of priests, and we all should pray and encourage young men and some older men at times to consider the priesthood, let us not forget the vocations to the diaconate .
Many blessings and thanks for having these forums here.