I had a problem with the Voter’s Guide too, although I am anti-abortion. For one thing, I think that all sins are non-negotiable, not just those five sins listed in the voter’s guide. The Voter’s Guide seemed to be thinly veiled propaganda to vote for George Bush. George’s wife, Laura, refers to herself as “pro-choice,” and George himself is not fully pro-life. I heard that he believes that abortion is okay if the health of the mother is in danger (or something like that).
As far as I am concerned, everyone who voted for George Bush voted for a partially pro-choice (or should I say pro-abortion) candidate. Maybe they all need to go to confession. Actually, I don’t pretend to judge what sins other people are guilty of. I have only myself to answer for.
One day, I was listening to Catholic Radio. A priest from “Priests for Life” was speaking. He was trying to explain why no one should ever vote for a pro-abortion candidate. He said something like, “You wouldn’t vote for a terrorist, would you!” to emphasize his point.
At that moment, a vivid picture came into my mind. I remembered that a teen-age boy had gotten into serious trouble for wearing the wrong T-shirt. The T-shirt had a picture of George Bush on it with the caption “World Class Terrorist.”
The thought occurred to me that a president has the power to start or stop a war. He has the power to stop a criminal from being executed. Presidents decide these things.
Women are the ones who decide to have an abortion (immoral as it is). Even if a president could overturn Roe vs. Wade and all of the laws in the country could be changed back to the way they were before, women would still have abortions. Medical science has advanced so much that even if all of the doctors in the United States refused to do abortions, women could still travel to Canada or Europe to have them, or they could probably order an abortion pill over the internet.
I don’t enjoy having a “war president,” I don’t trust George Bush, and I pray that these four years will be over before he ruins the country. I’m not even holding my breath waiting for him to appoint a pro-life Supreme Court Justice. I just don’t think it will happen.