**This thread is not for debating for or against abortion. When the time comes to vote, who can we vote for who is pro-life? There doesn’t seem to be a coherent political strategy for returning North American life to its senses. That’s the problem. What’s the solution? **
1) What needs to happen to turn this around 180 degrees?
**2) Who needs to do it? Who is out there who is a good pro-life politician? Who is out there who would make a good pro-life politician? **
3) Where in the U.S. is pro-life flourishing?
4) When can we expect a pro-life choice on our ballots?
5) How do we start? (Small steps please)
1) What needs to happen to turn this around 180 degrees?
**2) Who needs to do it? Who is out there who is a good pro-life politician? Who is out there who would make a good pro-life politician? **
3) Where in the U.S. is pro-life flourishing?
4) When can we expect a pro-life choice on our ballots?
5) How do we start? (Small steps please)