It is a trademark and not the devil in my opinion.MGM has a clip at the start of each movie in which a
roaring lion is depicted… the Bible says: “the DEVIL
prowls around like a ROARING LION… resist him
therefore, firm in your Faith…” 1 Pet. 5:8
No, the bishops DID endorse the Legion of Decency. They helped bring it about. Every parish, once a year, would have people at Mass recite the Legion of Decency pledge. Without the bishops, there might have been a thousand little legions, disagreeing with each other half the time, competing for attention; with far less clout than the single, bishops- endorsed Legion. Without the bishops, no Legion of Decency.It wasn’t the Church. The Legion of Decency was not supported or endorsed by the Church in any way.
Catholic people not The Catholic Church
I honestly tend to enjoy older movies and shows for this reason. Take the Twilight Zone. It worked within the “limits” of the decency code, but managed to tells stories that are still provocative and relevant to today’s world, and still far more captivating to watch than a lot of what’s on TV now.I don’t think we do all that great addressing the bigger issues in our everything-goes filmmaking.
Rod Serling…the under-celebrated genius of moral commentary and allegory.I honestly tend to enjoy older movies and shows for this reason. Take the Twilight Zone. It worked within the “limits” of the decency code, but managed to tells stories that are still provocative and relevant to today’s world, and still far more captivating to watch than a lot of what’s on TV now.
People need to not watch or go to movies and they’ll stop making them.Too bad we don’t have this going on today with all of the insanely realistic violence and gore being churned out of Hollywood. You don’t think that desensitizes people to violence?