As a side point, Eagles are scavengers as well as hunters.
In a sense they are a powerful vulture.
As to the verse,
I have no official Catholic interpretation of how you ‘should’ understand it, but here’s a few thoughts.
First of all, notice there is not an indication of whether it is the justified who are taken (believers) or the unjustified in the passage itself.
In the parable of the wheat and the tares, the tares are gathered to be burned.
In the passage, verse 37, where are they taken? or “where” is the seperation.
If it is the former, then it is to death where the viltures will feed.
If it is the latter, then consider the judgement of the world:
The world was judged, and redemtion worked “where” the crucifixion happened. Vengence is the lords.
Hope that is a start for you.