Waiting Too Long Can Be Dangerous

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For women who wait too long to have thier first child, it can be deadly. The # 1 age group of women who die during labor is NOT teenage mothers, it’s mothers between 35 and 40.

Risks of complicated labor, birth defects for the baby, and also of infertility can increase with age.

Check this out:
Al things considered, but the healthiest time for a woman to have a child is when she is in her teens. You all know that Mary was 14 when she carried Jesus. This taboo against young relationships is a social and cultural one, not a divine mandate. Let the flame war begin!
ok initially when i read your post i freaked :eek: thinking there was new news out. lol…glad you posted the link there. i’m 35 and am not waiting because i want to, just because i hadn’t met the right man until this past year. i just kinda want to wait until i get married, so yes, that means i’ll be starting a family (hopefully) when I’m 36 or 37. I figure God only gives us what he knows we can handle and will put my trust in Him.

Thank you for the information though, interesting. :tiphat:
Al things considered, but the healthiest time for a woman to have a child is when she is in her teens. You all know that Mary was 14 when she carried Jesus. This taboo against young relationships is a social and cultural one, not a divine mandate. Let the flame war begin!
I think the norm back in the day was a much older man with a young woman. The parents would only marry off the daughter to a financially secure man, which meant he was going to be older, not some young buck just starting out. I’m glad today’s system favors us young bucks:D .
Al things considered, but the healthiest time for a woman to have a child is when she is in her teens. You all know that Mary was 14 when she carried Jesus. This taboo against young relationships is a social and cultural one, not a divine mandate. Let the flame war begin!
Flames? Oh, please! 😉

Most women in that era had their first child at a very young age, ready or not, although the total infant and maternal mortality was *very *high for all maternal ages. OTOH, Elizabeth and Hannah were up there when John and Samuel were born. Obviously, you are right that there isn’t a divine mandate for having children at a particular age.

Unless a woman is more likely to die with a *first *pregnancy that comes when she is older, these statistics only explain why it is dangerous for older women to have babies, not why women should start early. The statistical health advantages of having or not having children at any age are hardly compelling reasons to give birth early or to avoid trying the convent first. Let’s not even go there.

The rate of child abuse is higher among teen mothers than among older mothers, and higher among the poor than among the affluent. Women should marry and have children when they have matured sufficiently for marriage and have found a suitable husband with whom they can support a family, and not a moment sooner.

Nevertheless, waiting alone is no guarantee of maturity. There are plenty of young adults married at 18 and 20 years old in 1945 who were far more mature than far older brides and grooms marrying now. Therefore, girls and young women who want a happy marriage and family should strive to attain the skills and virtues required of wives and mothers, and to recognize and value the parallel traits in potential suitors, rather than waiting for marriage and family or merely the passing years to drop these on them.

No one can be expected to maintain a household frugally in the present age unless they apply themselves to at least a high school education. Those who don’t will not only have difficulty finding employment to support their families, but will need help in researching prudent consumer options for necessities such as transportation, savings, and insurance. There are too many who make their profit by preying on the poorly educated and the financially immature to advocate anyone put themselves in that situation on purpose.

So Scott… no marriage for 14 year old girls!! Period!!
You are still more likely to have a healthy pregnancy and baby than not, no matter what your age. But it’s good to get good prenatal care, eat right, don’t strain yourself, get your blood and urine tests but…NOT amniocentisis!!!

If you get amnio then there is a 1% chance it will kill your baby right there. The risks of it hurting the baby are a bit higher but just now I can’t remember what they are. So don’t get it unless you ABSOLUTELY have to.
Ah but what you’re forgetting there is those were the days BEFORE antibiotics! The cause of death back then wasn’t the actual labor, it was infection.

Nowadays we have better medical care. It’s still safer to give birth at home, but good to know they are there if you NEED to go.
For women who wait too long to have thier first child, it can be deadly. The # 1 age group of women who die during labor is NOT teenage mothers, it’s mothers between 35 and 40.

Risks of complicated labor, birth defects for the baby, and also of infertility can increase with age.

Check this out:
FYI-- The March Of Dimes supports the “right” to abort “defective” babies and also supports fetal tissue and embryonic stem cell research.
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