Wakeup prayer intentions

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I heard somewhere that when you wake up in the middle of the nite to offer up a prayer because someone at that particular time is in need of you prayers. I have been trying it lately and i do feel a sense of peace and connected to God, also i seem to get back to sleep better! Has anyone else noticed this? I don’t know if it is related but i got up at 3:30am and can’t get back to sleep so maybe someone needs some prayers! I will pray for them
Praise God
I would pray and praise God sometimes from 3 am till dawn and I gained a healing from my father’s abuse and felt that He gained a healing and release in the next life. God Bless

I think this a beautiful thing. Sometimes when I wake up in the night, I find God urging me to say a Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I find it an odd request - but who am I to question. So I comply. Then I am able to fall asleep better also.

I do think you are on to something. There are people who need prayers at all hours of the night. It is good to be in-tune with God’s requests. Who knows - maybe you are praying for me and I for you?
God bless you.
Dear friend

Beautiful, simply beautful. I was one night very astounded to wake up in the middle of the night praying, I could hear a voice praying to God and then I realised in my half stupour that it was me praying in my sleep! That realisation woke me up. I sat on the edge of the bed and smiled, it was a beautiful thing! Usually once my eyes are shut, that is me on shut-down for the whole night, a band marching through my bedroom couldn’t wake me! It was a real surprise for me a sound sleeper to wake up in the night and to wake up to the sound of my own voice praying…praying in my sleep.

Since that night I have woken early in the morning usually 5 or 6 am which also is not like me …I am good at sleeping!🙂 . I also fast on sleep and make all night vigils from time to time in rememberance of our Lord’s agony in the garden. Well now seeing as I wake before my daughter at this silly hour of 5 or 6 am…I spend this little time before 7 or 8 am when my daughter wakes in the peace of our Lord and pray. Nice cup of coffee and a sit in the garden for a little conversation with Our Lord Jesus, The Holy Spirit and God Our Father, unless it rains (which it does alot in the UK…in that case I go back to my room with my coffee and talk with God there).

The Holy Spirit stirs the human spirit to prayer and who are we to turn over in bed and refuse?

God bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friend

Beautiful, simply beautful. I was one night very astounded to wake up in the middle of the night praying, I could hear a voice praying to God and then I realised in my half stupour that it was me praying in my sleep! That realisation woke me up. I sat on the edge of the bed and smiled, it was a beautiful thing! Usually once my eyes are shut, that is me on shut-down for the whole night, a band marching through my bedroom couldn’t wake me! It was a real surprise for me a sound sleeper to wake up in the night and to wake up to the sound of my own voice praying…praying in my sleep.

Since that night I have woken early in the morning usually 5 or 6 am which also is not like me …I am good at sleeping!🙂 . I also fast on sleep and make all night vigils from time to time in rememberance of our Lord’s agony in the garden. Well now seeing as I wake before my daughter at this silly hour of 5 or 6 am…I spend this little time before 7 or 8 am when my daughter wakes in the peace of our Lord and pray. Nice cup of coffee and a sit in the garden for a little conversation with Our Lord Jesus, The Holy Spirit and God Our Father, unless it rains (which it does alot in the UK…in that case I go back to my room with my coffee and talk with God there).

The Holy Spirit stirs the human spirit to prayer and who are we to turn over in bed and refuse?

God bless you and much love and peace to you

Oh my gosh! I love you! :love: That has happened to me before, and I’ve never met anyone that has happened to. It has happened to me a few times. I woke and heard myself praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I even knew exactly where I would have been had I been using my Rosary. I’ve often wondered what part of me was praying. Anyway, it is comforting to know someone else who has experienced this.

God bless!
I heard somewhere that when you wake up in the middle of the nite to offer up a prayer because someone at that particular time is in need of you prayers. I have been trying it lately and i do feel a sense of peace and connected to God, also i seem to get back to sleep better! Has anyone else noticed this? I don’t know if it is related but i got up at 3:30am and can’t get back to sleep so maybe someone needs some prayers! I will pray for them
Praise God
I heard that somewhere too and for a while now I have been praying for a friend or family member if I wake up during the night. I haven’t woken up to hear myself praying the diving mercy chaplet yet. I hope to one day reach that level of holiness! To those of you who have, congratulations and pray for me next time you wake up!
This last summer I was awakened for some unknown reason and directed to PRAY! So I did so…just a simple “Our Father/Hail Mary”, etc. Someone was just telling me to pray for someone and I couldn’t refuse. I was confused as the prompting was so strong.

I learned the next day when I returned home from work that at about that time (3 am) my next door neighbor had been suffering from a severe illness and had gone to the hospital. She was home at the time I learned about it and doing well…and of course, instantly I’d known that I had been awakened to pray for her/the family.

Never doubt that even when we have no idea, God has a purpose in mind. Maybe her Guardian angel spoke with mine and asked her to wake me up to pray for such an important intention?

I’ll try to remember to offer prayers for others whenever I wake up, whether prompted or not, from now on, thanks to this thread.
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