Wal-Mart promoting Gay issues

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Please take a look at this link from the American Family Association:


It seems that Wal-Mart, like the Ford Motor Company, has made a business decision not to remain, at the very least, neutral on moral issues. They have chosen to ignore the clear wishes of voters who have passed marriage amendments in every state where they have come up for a vote.

While we have a “secular” society here in America, it appears that many in America have lost sight of the fact al all laws are based on morality. They are **publicly ** promoting policies that are counter to voter wishes and not only Christian (and Catholic) moral teachings, but policies which violate the morality of all major religions as well as natural law.

Even an atheist who believes in Darwinian evolution, survival of the fittest and natural selection, must realize that nature does not “select” homosexuals. Nature, according the evolutionary theory, selects those organisms which can survive to reproduce. Homosexuality, since it is non-reproductive, violates even atheistic natural law.
Please take a look at this link from the American Family Association:


It seems that Wal-Mart, like the Ford Motor Company, has made a business decision not to remain, at the very least, neutral on moral issues. They have chosen to ignore the clear wishes of voters who have passed marriage amendments in every state where they have come up for a vote.

While we have a “secular” society here in America, it appears that many in America have lost sight of the fact al all laws are based on morality. They are **publicly ** promoting policies that are counter to voter wishes and not only Christian (and Catholic) moral teachings, but policies which violate the morality of all major religions as well as natural law.

Even an atheist who believes in Darwinian evolution, survival of the fittest and natural selection, must realize that nature does not “select” homosexuals. Nature, according the evolutionary theory, selects those organisms which can survive to reproduce. Homosexuality, since it is non-reproductive, violates even atheistic natural law.
Yet another reason why WalMart is evil.
Yet another reason why WalMart is evil.
Actually, I didn’t have much of a problem with Walmart until recently when they started becoming associated with abortion and homosexuality. My first thought was: “Oh no! I can’t afford to boycott Walmart.” But then their price of bread went up by 66%, and they pretty much made the decision for me. :whistle:
Please take a look at this link from the American Family Association:


It seems that Wal-Mart, like the Ford Motor Company, has made a business decision not to remain, at the very least, neutral on moral issues. They have chosen to ignore the clear wishes of voters who have passed marriage amendments in every state where they have come up for a vote.

While we have a “secular” society here in America, it appears that many in America have lost sight of the fact al all laws are based on morality. They are **publicly ** promoting policies that are counter to voter wishes and not only Christian (and Catholic) moral teachings, but policies which violate the morality of all major religions as well as natural law.

Even an atheist who believes in Darwinian evolution, survival of the fittest and natural selection, must realize that nature does not “select” homosexuals. Nature, according the evolutionary theory, selects those organisms which can survive to reproduce. Homosexuality, since it is non-reproductive, violates even atheistic natural law.
You know, I took a look at that site and was surprised at how high the numbers were for the item hits that they got when entering certain words. so i went and did a little research of my own.
From the wal-mart site I ran these numbers:

Catholic - 1,415
Christian - 61,446
God - 12,147
Jewish - 2,451
Muslim - 540
Islam - 1,369
Church - 5,391
Buddhist - 468

So, it seems as though, in comparison, there is really so little gay/lesbian themed material that it seems a waste of breath to be screaming about it. Clearly, Wal-Mart recognizes the Christian faith in its entirety as a MUCH larger market than gays and lesbians, so really, whats the big deal? First and foremost, they are a business that is in the business of making money. They cater to everyone. Its not called Gay-Mart, now is it?
I’ll bet Wal*Mart is not sponsoring any specifically Catholic events or celebrations (setting up a booth, handing out freebies, etc.). You can BET that they WILL be doing this for the “Gay” community. COUNT on it. My company, Macys, already does it and is increasing it’s sponsorship of gay events.
We have YET to sponsor a Catholic or Christian event.
No surprise there.
It’s making me very upset, and I’m giving serious consideration to looking elsewhere for a job.
The dramatic increase in support of the left-wing homosexual agenda really disgusts me. I signed the petition and e-mailed them through the AFA.
So, it seems as though, in comparison, there is really so little gay/lesbian themed material that it seems a waste of breath to be screaming about it. Clearly, Wal-Mart recognizes the Christian faith in its entirety as a MUCH larger market than gays and lesbians, so really, whats the big deal? First and foremost, they are a business that is in the business of making money. They cater to everyone. Its not called Gay-Mart, now is it?
I agree the numbers were quite a stupid move on AFA’s part. They tend to over reach when making their point. But the fact remains that WalMart has recently openned their coffers to supporting Planned Parenthood and hosting Gay Pride events and legislation. That is the real point. I don’t care what they sell, I care how they use thier profits which exist in part due to my patronage.
You know, I took a look at that site and was surprised at how high the numbers were for the item hits that they got when entering certain words. so i went and did a little research of my own.
From the wal-mart site I ran these numbers:

Catholic - 1,415
Christian - 61,446
God - 12,147
Jewish - 2,451
Muslim - 540
Islam - 1,369
Church - 5,391
Buddhist - 468

So, it seems as though, in comparison, there is really so little gay/lesbian themed material that it seems a waste of breath to be screaming about it. Clearly, Wal-Mart recognizes the Christian faith in its entirety as a MUCH larger market than gays and lesbians, so really, whats the big deal? First and foremost, they are a business that is in the business of making money. They cater to everyone. Its not called Gay-Mart, now is it?
I disagree with your sentiment. There is much more Catholic and Christian oriented material in circulation, we’ve had a couple of thousand years to put stuff together and frankly there are vastly more Christians creating this material than homosexuals creating theirs.

That does not change the fact that choosing to be a source for this anti-Christian propaganda, which is what any material which promotes a gay lifestyle inherently is, is a serious social and family issue.

At least, they should remain neutral. They should cease their sponsorship of gay organizations and gay-themed events.

A true moral life does not mean you try to avoid most immorality. No, a true moral life is one where, at the very least, you try to avoid all immorality. While a very difficult standard to achieve, you will not get their by embracing grave sin.
from the afa site:
A quick search of Wal-Mart’s website turned up the following number of items for sale:
Gay - 1148

the afa lost me with that one. when you do that search on the walmart website - results included authors with the last name of Gay, manufactures and products with the letter ‘gay’ and other non ‘gay’ related hits.
when an organization skews numbers and i catch them… they lose all credibility with me.

the message the afa puts out is good… but the messenger seemed sneaky.
I’ll still shop there. I don’t get uptight over this stuff. Their prices fit my budget.
It seems that Wal-Mart, like the Ford Motor Company, has made a business decision not to remain, at the very least, neutral on moral issues.
Good. I don’t want the company I buy my car or groceries from to have an opinion on moral issues, I just want them to provide the service they offer as best as they can.

Question to the Ford Motor Company: Do you support abortion?
Answer: We make cars.

I assume moral neutrality for everything and everyone I deal with. I’m not going to ask someone begging for change if they support gay unions before I put my hand in my pocket and I’m not going to ask my local baker if he also sells to non-Christians before I buy my loaf of bread. Frankly, it’s not my business and it’s not yours either.
Good. I don’t want the company I buy my car or groceries from to have an opinion on moral issues, I just want them to provide the service they offer as best as they can.

Question to the Ford Motor Company: Do you support abortion?
Answer: We make cars.

I assume moral neutrality for everything and everyone I deal with. I’m not going to ask someone begging for change if they support gay unions before I put my hand in my pocket and I’m not going to ask my local baker if he also sells to non-Christians before I buy my loaf of bread. Frankly, it’s not my business and it’s not yours either.
Please take a look at this link from the American Family Association:


It seems that Wal-Mart, like the Ford Motor Company, has made a business decision not to remain, at the very least, neutral on moral issues. They have chosen to ignore the clear wishes of voters who have passed marriage amendments in every state where they have come up for a vote.

While we have a “secular” society here in America, it appears that many in America have lost sight of the fact al all laws are based on morality. They are **publicly ** promoting policies that are counter to voter wishes and not only Christian (and Catholic) moral teachings, but policies which violate the morality of all major religions as well as natural law.

Even an atheist who believes in Darwinian evolution, survival of the fittest and natural selection, must realize that nature does not “select” homosexuals. Nature, according the evolutionary theory, selects those organisms which can survive to reproduce. Homosexuality, since it is non-reproductive, violates even atheistic natural law.
That’s interesting…I had no idea they backed these ideals. Hmm.
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