Please take a look at this link from the American Family Association:
It seems that Wal-Mart, like the Ford Motor Company, has made a business decision not to remain, at the very least, neutral on moral issues. They have chosen to ignore the clear wishes of voters who have passed marriage amendments in every state where they have come up for a vote.
While we have a “secular” society here in America, it appears that many in America have lost sight of the fact al all laws are based on morality. They are **publicly ** promoting policies that are counter to voter wishes and not only Christian (and Catholic) moral teachings, but policies which violate the morality of all major religions as well as natural law.
Even an atheist who believes in Darwinian evolution, survival of the fittest and natural selection, must realize that nature does not “select” homosexuals. Nature, according the evolutionary theory, selects those organisms which can survive to reproduce. Homosexuality, since it is non-reproductive, violates even atheistic natural law.
It seems that Wal-Mart, like the Ford Motor Company, has made a business decision not to remain, at the very least, neutral on moral issues. They have chosen to ignore the clear wishes of voters who have passed marriage amendments in every state where they have come up for a vote.
While we have a “secular” society here in America, it appears that many in America have lost sight of the fact al all laws are based on morality. They are **publicly ** promoting policies that are counter to voter wishes and not only Christian (and Catholic) moral teachings, but policies which violate the morality of all major religions as well as natural law.
Even an atheist who believes in Darwinian evolution, survival of the fittest and natural selection, must realize that nature does not “select” homosexuals. Nature, according the evolutionary theory, selects those organisms which can survive to reproduce. Homosexuality, since it is non-reproductive, violates even atheistic natural law.