Want to start Apostolate

  • Thread starter Thread starter angwright
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Myself and some others are starting an apostolate/lay ministry in order to reach out to others about the Catholic faith. Currently it will provide an online presence for people to submit prayer requests as well as find solid Catholic resources, with a further vision to put on retreats and develop a retreat center.

Does anyone know what the legality or business requirements we need?

Currently its only a website with links to other resources, and an opportunity to submit prayer requests. There is nothing we are “publishing” so I wasn’t sure about business/non profit registration or copyright information since we are just linking the sites. We are also putting a disclaimer on the site stating we are not responsible for outside resource information and third party endorsements but rather we are a resource to provide links, and to contact us via email if there are any links not upholding the Magisterium.

Also, do we need to contact the local bishop or can we start the online presence without official church approval? I figured if it was a resource for faith / lay ministry we could go ahead with it.

If you are going to be a non-profit you will need to register your “business name”, with the state. You will also want to develop a Mission Statement that concisely states what your goals are. If you remain small enough you can avoid creating a Board of Directors, otherwise that is something to also look into.

If you plan on asking for funding you will need to develop a rather specific plan and present that plan as part of a grant request. There are grants available, but you will need to be very clear on how you are managing money, what your retreats would be about, how this will benefit those using your program and note if there is any educational aspect to the program.

A lot really depends on what you are going to focus on, who or how many are going to be involved, and if you can show an interest or need in the community.
=angwright;11477446]Myself and some others are starting an apostolate/lay ministry in order to reach out to others about the Catholic faith. Currently it will provide an online presence for people to submit prayer requests as well as find solid Catholic resources, with a further vision to put on retreats and develop a retreat center.
Does anyone know what the legality or business requirements we need?
Currently its only a website with links to other resources, and an opportunity to submit prayer requests. There is nothing we are “publishing” so I wasn’t sure about business/non profit registration or copyright information since we are just linking the sites. We are also putting a disclaimer on the site stating we are not responsible for outside resource information and third party endorsements but rather we are a resource to provide links, and to contact us via email if there are any links not upholding the Magisterium.
Also, do we need to contact the local bishop or can we start the online presence without official church approval? I figured if it was a resource for faith / lay ministry we could go ahead with it.

Here’s an idea for you.

rather than “starting one”; CONSIDER joining one already formed.


God Bless you all!
I second the above posters: it’s always good to double check that you are not re-inventing the wheel if there is a similar apostolate already out there for you to support. Also, if you were just making a website and have no income, then I don’t see why you would need to set yourself up as a non-profit. But if you are planning on growing and starting a retreat center, it is definitely something you would want to look into.

In any case, talking to your local bishop is a good idea. Your endeavor is not technically an “apostolate” without the approval of your local “successor to the apostles.” 😉 This is especially true if you plan on using the word “Catholic” in the title of your organization. Canon Law stipulates that no group may use the name “Catholic” without permission from their bishop.

Beyond these reasons, it is always a good idea to join our missionary efforts to the shepherd of souls in our region. I’m sure he would also have some good advice on how to move forward with your plans, too.
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