In this intervention I will say what is thought, felt and said in Latin America, and when I give my personal opinion I’ll indicate it. I am conservative catholic that respects the authorities of the Church, but also I am Latin American and there are aspects that should be discussed more often.
The conquest and colonization of Latin America didn’t begin for evangelical purposes in the first place. The “conquerors” -oh! how difficult is to use that word even more than 500 years later!- weren’t, in majority, “honorable” men: ex convicted, thieves, ordinary sailors. They all had economical difficulties in Spain, so the “adventure” was an interesting option. So those were men willing to do anything to succeed in this journey.
And that, of course, included killing the natives, mostly men. And raping their daughters, wives, mothers… and those that survived were used as slaves. That despite that Spanish men brought diseases indians didn’t know, and couldn’t resist -like flu, for example. We all are aware of the political power that the Catholic Church had in Europe right then, and even if it may sound contradictory, many “conquerors” were devoted catholics, so to stablish a new order the other one would have to be destroyed. And that, of course, included religious traditions.
So in my opinion, organizations that defend indigenious people’s rights aren’t wrong when they say that “evangelization” was another strategy to strengthen colonization. Spanish destroyed the other social, economical, political and religious order to make indians obbey the king of Spain. And during colonization Felipe II was the king, a very devoted but inflexible catholic.
Still, the relations between indians populations weren’t like the Holy Eden. There were many struggles of power, restraints and rancours between greatest cultures and little ones. Many academics say that some of the most developed empires in he New World -for example, the Aztecas- fell by the weight of their own greatness. So we could say that Spanish empire came “in the right moment”, strategically speaking. But that’s another point.
So he sent more religious missionaries to America to convert indians, and those who denied to convert were killed. So is it a “friendly encounter”? It sounds more like coertion. The encounter came later, and its greatest representation is the Virgin of Guadalupe story, when Our Lady talked to Juan Diego, a very poor but humble indigenious man. Still, this is another point that, in my opinion, should have more visibility in the media and history books: many catholic priests -nuns came later- that were franciscan, dominics and jesuits defended the cause of indigenious people that were killed or suffered in any way possible, and one of the most known is Fray Bartolomé de las Casas.
So it’s false that the whole Catholic Church was looking up only to its private interests -because colonization was a very profitable strategy-. Many priests that were in direct contact with the reality here tried to sensibilize other sectors, and they made what was in their power to defend the natives.
And now, in my opinion, the Catholic Church seems to be the religion that respects more local traditions. During Holy Week, we have many processions, every town has a patron saint and parishes celebrate the dates dedicated to them, and protestant just don’t accept them. They consider them pagan.
Considering the Pope’s visit to Brazil recently, I think it was good for him and his acceptance in Latin America that he recognized in public the sufferings of native populations during colonization. But also I think that the Pope isn’t as close to the developing world’s sufferings and challenges. And many latin americans think the same. Maybe that’s why, when he anounced that he was the new Pope, he didn’t make his speech in spanish -he did in german, english, italian and I don’t remember which other languages-. I think it’s a big challenge for him to get closer to Latin American Church, because there are bridges that aren’t stablished, there are rencours that haven’t healed in more than 500 years, and need to be if we want to really talk about an encounter of religions in Latin America.
This is especially important considering that today’s world are needing missionary journeys more than ever. There are a lot of places to be evangelized out there, and I hope that lessons learnt in Latin American colonization won’t be ignored in other places, and we can’t just pretend that history hasn’t taught us anything.
Blessings for you all.