Was It Worth It?

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Given the fact that so many people that die on death row (including Ted Bundy and the one that rubbed out poor Sam Runyon), all of Saddam’s bunch died in the war in Iraq, and all the Germans and Japanese died during the Second World War, et al, all those people cheered, celebrated and rejoiced at their deaths, celebrating that those evil killers died without having a chance to repent at all in at least in effort to convert back to a state of grace…was it worth it to see them wind up in hell? Now I am BLOODY aware of all the evil those people did, but was it right for the populace to celebrate the deaths of the evil people, now that they’re burning in hell? It’s a crazy world that no one wahts to live in.😦
No it is not right to celebrate it at all:nope: When people that are known to have done some really evil things get killed it is a time of profound sadness and prayer that maybe at the second they entered eternity they might have asked the Lord to forgive them:crying:
No it is not right to celebrate it at all:nope: When people that are known to have done some really evil things get killed it is a time of profound sadness and prayer that maybe at the second they entered eternity they might have asked the Lord to forgive them:crying:
My family once told me that evil people never repent at all, no matter what.😦
My family once told me that evil people never repent at all, no matter what.😦
The Blessed Mother said at Fatima that many souls go to hell because nobody would pray for them:crying: That haunts me,so I try to remember to pray for those who are in danger of hell the hard hearted and those shackled by evil.
My family once told me that evil people never repent at all, no matter what.😦
We can’t know that. To make a statement such as that is to claim possession of knowledge belonging properly to God only and one should never do that. How would your mother know that which is only God’s to know?
Peace be with you!

I didn’t realize Ted Bundy had been executed…when was that?
Anyway, I think it is fairly safe to assume where he is right now based on something he said. He said that people like him (serial killers) will not be rehabilitated and will not feel sorry for what they’ve done. He said that if he were to be let out of prison he’d go and do the same thing again. It’s pretty scary to know that there’s people like that out there. Hopefully our prayers will be powerful enough.

In Christ,
On another thread, someone brought up the strange concept (I forgot where it comes from) that when we get to heaven, one of the Great Things We Can Do there is look at how all the evil souls are being made to suffer. It was kind of sick sounding, like we’re going to look down at those who Didn’t Make It and say, “bwahahaha, that’s what you get suckas” as if that’s some higher form of joy than we normally think we, as humans, are to seek.

Strange. Maybe it is OK to wish the end of an earthly vessel which has become destructive to others, irreparably so.

Maybe there is some benefit to our human sides to see a problem put to rest, as it were. Laughing and cheering, well, I guess that depends. If you look at it like we’re celebrating have achieved a military or peace-oriented objective, then we celebrate the objective and not the death of the enemy.

This is a fascinating thread. I’m eager to see what others say about it.

Rand Al'Thor:
Peace be with you!

I didn’t realize Ted Bundy had been executed…when was that?
Anyway, I think it is fairly safe to assume where he is right now based on something he said. He said that people like him (serial killers) will not be rehabilitated and will not feel sorry for what they’ve done. He said that if he were to be let out of prison he’d go and do the same thing again. It’s pretty scary to know that there’s people like that out there. Hopefully our prayers will be powerful enough.

In Christ,
Ted BUndy was killed in between 1988-1990, but I am uncertain of the exact year. I happen to have lived in FLorida at the time. Bundy scared the @#$ out of me. The same way that the BTK killer does. I don’t take pleasure in their deaths but I do think that for the good of society these individuals should be executed. They can’t be rehabilitated, they are simply too evil.

COuld they be saved? I believe that every person has free will and the power to choose, so yes, I think their salvation is possible. But I would think that if a serial killer actually had a life changing experience through the holy spirit then he would want to pay the eartly price for his crimes.
I think that anyone can get to heaven. God is, after all, all-merciful. “His mercy endureth forever,” the Bible says. It is for Him to decide whether someone is deserving of mercy. I personally would prefer to think that everyone goes to Heaven - it gives me a better shot at salvation! 😃

As for serial killers and the like, who knows? God sends grace to everyone, regardless. While they have done things that are very sinful, so have we all - maybe not to the same orders of magnitude or media coverage, but we are all sinners. Yet repentance is important. We repent having told lies, thought lustfully, felt anger; we are sorry for our sins. Are serial killers sorry for their sins? God only knows.

Okay, I’m scaring myself. I think I’ll go hit the confessional…
I recently saw a profile of Karla Fay Tucker on A&E. Though, of course, only God knows, I do believe that she not only completely repented of her crime but was joined to Christ quite awhile before her execution.
That renews my faith that anyone can turn themselves around and be accepting of and accepted by the Grace of God.
No, cereal killers, they’re nver sorry, nor do they repent, they’re way evil as one wag said, so they head down to hell and burn as the heavenly father’s biggest failues. What a waste of a life regardless of what the person did. Some people think the ending a killer’s life brings back the spirit of the victim back to his/her loved ones while the ones that do the horors in ending a killer’s life get hailed as notional heroes and heroines. Case in point: when Ted Bundy’s coffin was rolled out to dumped in the oacean, crowds cheered and clapped at his death, as did Sam Runyun’s (pardon the spelling) family; they rejoiced at the death sentance ran up to the ones that gave the death thing, asked for autographs and looked up to them as heroes. Now was all that rejoicing worth it? Does that mean they’ll get into heaven for rejoicing at death? No, like Jesus said the gate that leads to destruction, many people, killers or other wise enter there, where as the gate to salvation is narrow and thee’s only a few that seek it out, and that includes priests and nuns. Jesus also said: “Many were called, but few were chosen.” So anyone that does evil and never repents goes to hell upon dying. So you could say that those that play God and Jesus, they’re thae ones that send them to hell. It’s all depressing.
A new update: I just saw on the news, Samantha Runyun’s mother say in the courts to her daughter’s killer: “I hope you wind up in a perpeptual jail where no one will ever pray for you, and I will hold a week long celebration when you die.” Or words to that effect. Was she saying the right thing or was she rejoicing or what? For the record…:confused:
Wasn’t Saul a serial killer?

I’d say all things are possible with God.
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