Was just on Drudge

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Mods, if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it to where it belongs

While i like how Drudge collects news articles, kind of a one stop spot, I always get upset when I read the comment section. I know this has nothing to do with Drudge Report in of itself. There is so much Catholic bigotry on the comment section. The Pope is the Anti Christ, the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, blah blah blah… so frustrating. I try to comment back then get more upset.

The latest thing is on what the Pope supposedly said, “there is no hell”. Now I don’t believe he actually said that, but my gosh these bigots are running with it.

I really enjoy Drudge but can’t help going to the comment section. Should I just stop using this site? If I deleted, I would probably just reinstall it after a while. Is there another good news collection source out there like Drudge? One that is not totally liberal, I am a constitutional conservative. I fall somewhere between a Republican and a Libertarian. I don’t identify with any political parties though as I vote my conscious and what I believe in, not just a party line.
I’ve been checking the Drudge Report for almost 20 years now. I never check the comments though.
I think it would be more helpful to learn to not look at comments sections since they are everywhere online. Don’t let a few online bigots ruin your day.
I’ve been aware of Matt Drudge since he broke the Monica Lewinsky scandal and I didn’t even know his site had comments.

Every Internet site that doesn’t moderate its comments is full of open bigotry towards Catholics, Christians, Muslims, people of every race, creed, gender, color or orientation. The sites that monitor comments are the other extreme. I was banned from one of my local newspaper sites a few years ago for calling a white non-Hispanic man who had just been apprehended after shooting someone in a violent robbery a “thug”.
Bottom line is, comment sections are best ignored.
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I’ve been checking the Drudge Report for almost 20 years now. I never check the comments though.
Same here! I have been reading Drudge at least 10-12 years and I had no idea he had a comment section. The link to a news story might have a comment section and occasionally I will glance at those, but not all the time.
Buchanan wrote a column on the pope Francis / hell controversy and I think he’s being unfair. Drudge does sensationalize things so I always take it with a grain of salt on the rare times I visit the site. Esp recently in past two or three years he’s been in the tank for trump so his “news” isn’t at all objective.
I had no idea what this “Drudge” even is.

It strikes me as something you get on your shoe when you’re not looking and track halfway through the house before you notice. Or something an evil monster might spill on you from a Ghost Busters Movie that you cant clean off no matter how hard you try or something similar you fall into at the most inopportune moment.
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I didn’t know there was a comments section either. Maybe the OP is referring to the comments sections in the linked articles?
I just went there http://drudgereport.com/ and couldn’t find a comments section

I too like it as a quick place to find aggregated headlines from a wide range of news and opinion sources.

While I don’t understand why you see a comments section and I don’t, the answer is easy - GIVE UP their comments section and use the site for it’s primary purpose, a link aggregation site.

A good alternative with a wider range of sections is

Thank you all for your suggestions. I think I will just TRY and ignore the comment section, lol.

Yes Drudge does have comments on his site, or maybe it is just a version of the app I have. Not sure if there are different apps for the Drudge site. After you read the article, NOT clixking on the link that takes you to the actual source site, and go to the very bottom there is a comment section. Just click on the bar that says comments.

Drudge does not post any personal views, it is just a clearinghouse of sorts for news articles. You can even select, “Left, Mid, Right or All” for your news sources. I usually select “All”.

Just gets me, even when an article in no way has anything to do with the Catholic faith or a member of the Church, there is at least one anti Catholic comment. I am not a snowflake and can usually take most things with a grain of salt but for whatever reason the Catholic bigotry really brothers me, most of it is based on misconceptions or all out lies.

Usually what happens is I type out a big long thought out response, not being rude, but correcting the person’s misconceptions and when I go to post it it will not post or my phone messes up and then I get more aggravated so I just end up putting it down and walk away, lol.
I have heard of the Daily Wire, never checked it out though. Just googled it. Will look into that and Newsbusters. Thanks!
Lol. I may yet end up going this route. I like the site so I will try and make it an effort to avoid the comments. Maybe I should of gave that up for Lent, the comment section, haha.
Yup, gonna give it another shot. Avoid…the…comment…section… 😁
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