Mods, if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it to where it belongs
While i like how Drudge collects news articles, kind of a one stop spot, I always get upset when I read the comment section. I know this has nothing to do with Drudge Report in of itself. There is so much Catholic bigotry on the comment section. The Pope is the Anti Christ, the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, blah blah blah… so frustrating. I try to comment back then get more upset.
The latest thing is on what the Pope supposedly said, “there is no hell”. Now I don’t believe he actually said that, but my gosh these bigots are running with it.
I really enjoy Drudge but can’t help going to the comment section. Should I just stop using this site? If I deleted, I would probably just reinstall it after a while. Is there another good news collection source out there like Drudge? One that is not totally liberal, I am a constitutional conservative. I fall somewhere between a Republican and a Libertarian. I don’t identify with any political parties though as I vote my conscious and what I believe in, not just a party line.
While i like how Drudge collects news articles, kind of a one stop spot, I always get upset when I read the comment section. I know this has nothing to do with Drudge Report in of itself. There is so much Catholic bigotry on the comment section. The Pope is the Anti Christ, the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, blah blah blah… so frustrating. I try to comment back then get more upset.
The latest thing is on what the Pope supposedly said, “there is no hell”. Now I don’t believe he actually said that, but my gosh these bigots are running with it.
I really enjoy Drudge but can’t help going to the comment section. Should I just stop using this site? If I deleted, I would probably just reinstall it after a while. Is there another good news collection source out there like Drudge? One that is not totally liberal, I am a constitutional conservative. I fall somewhere between a Republican and a Libertarian. I don’t identify with any political parties though as I vote my conscious and what I believe in, not just a party line.