The title, “Mother of God” had to be defined because a heretic was challenging the Trinity. the council of Ephesis proved Mary was indeed “Theotokos” or God-bearer. Then they clarified the doctrine of the Trinity. The title “Mother of God” came about BEFORE the doctine of Trinity was clarified, not after. So Protestants have to reject a doctrine that is essentially older than the Trinity, which they accept from the council of Ephesis. That in itself is illogical.
PMV, your not doing any good in those anti-Catholic forums. You are just reinforcing hatred and bigotry. And you need to spend some time reading the library topics on the main page of this forum, and stop being so lazy as to get eveyone else to spoon feed you information that is readily available in this web site and a host of others. Here is a search tip that has helped me.
In any search engine, name the topic, followed by the words “catholic apologetics”
For example:
eucharist catholic apologetics
immaculate conception catholic apologetics
prayers to saints catholic apologetics
This method will reduce the amount of hate sites that you usually get when you search for anything. I said reduce, not eliminate.
Lastly, by “defending the faith” in hateful anti-Catholic forums, where you will never be treated with any kind of fairness, aslo does harm to yourself.
God bless you,