I am currently in RCIA, and I recently made my first confession. I had spoken with the Priest beforehand about what to do and how, and I felt thoroughly prepared, but very, very nervous. Now I had my list of sins, and said them then he spoke to me about a couple of them and how to combat them in the future. Now one sin I realise I should have given more information about; he really gave me the benefit of the doubt, when really a much worse interpretation of the sin would have been accurate. But it was only afterwards that I realised this because I was so nervous. So was it a proper confession, or should I ring to try to arrange another appointment to put things right? I feel like I should feel relieved having made my first confession as I had been fretting over it for so long, but really I just feel like I did it all wrong.
I am currently in RCIA, and I recently made my first confession. I had spoken with the Priest beforehand about what to do and how, and I felt thoroughly prepared, but very, very nervous. Now I had my list of sins, and said them then he spoke to me about a couple of them and how to combat them in the future. Now one sin I realise I should have given more information about; he really gave me the benefit of the doubt, when really a much worse interpretation of the sin would have been accurate. But it was only afterwards that I realised this because I was so nervous. So was it a proper confession, or should I ring to try to arrange another appointment to put things right? I feel like I should feel relieved having made my first confession as I had been fretting over it for so long, but really I just feel like I did it all wrong.