Was this mortal

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Hello about a week ago I was at my freinds house. He brought out some drinks for the three of us. I am currently a junior in highschool and wandering if I commited mortal sin by drinking. I did not become drunk and drinking did not cause me to do other sins. (Please do not say to talk to your priest because I already know I should, and I know that we should avoid all sin. I just want to know if I’m in the state of grace)
I meant I was wandering if it was mortal sin to have a few drinks underage with my freinds. Because if it was then I would not be in the state of grace.
There are 3 conditions for mortal sin: grave matter, full knowledge, full consent. If in doubt, confess before receiving Communion. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Did you knowingly break a just law? Yes.
Was it mortal? That’s something you need to form your conscience about. Sounds like you need better friends that encourage you to be Holy.
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