**Washington Post Bemoans Abortions Dropping in South Dakota **
by Tim Graham
December 27, 2005
LifeNews.com Note: Tim Graham is an analyst with the Media Research Center.
Washington Post reporter Evelyn Nieves, a crusading and roving liberal reporter based in San Francisco, lands on the Post front page today with an abortion dispatch from South Dakota. “S.D. Makes Abortion Rare Through Laws And Stigma,” reads the headline. But wait, don’t Democrats love the idea of making abortion “safe, legal, and rare”? This is the kind of article where the media displays that they really want abortion safe, legal, unstigmatized, offered daily and available within a 20-minute drive. This is the kind of article, to be plain, that is pro-abortion, not pro-choice.
by Tim Graham
December 27, 2005
LifeNews.com Note: Tim Graham is an analyst with the Media Research Center.
Washington Post reporter Evelyn Nieves, a crusading and roving liberal reporter based in San Francisco, lands on the Post front page today with an abortion dispatch from South Dakota. “S.D. Makes Abortion Rare Through Laws And Stigma,” reads the headline. But wait, don’t Democrats love the idea of making abortion “safe, legal, and rare”? This is the kind of article where the media displays that they really want abortion safe, legal, unstigmatized, offered daily and available within a 20-minute drive. This is the kind of article, to be plain, that is pro-abortion, not pro-choice.