Not only - but also:
One of the Greek Fathers, Origen did enjoin self-castration; he took this to be the meaning of Matt. 5: 29,30, and while a youth deprived himself of his virility in order to avoid the sin of lust.
At least 1 pope was married (children unknown) prior to his elevation to the papacy: St Peter {1st}
At least one Apostle was married with children and grand children. Eusebius’ “Church History” ii. 23;iii,20, tells of Hegesippus, a Jewish Christian who visited Rome about AD 180, and who collected reminiscences about the apostles. It is to Hegesippus that we owe the account of how two grandsons of Jude were summoned before the emperor Domitian and questioned about the Kingdom of Christ.
St Philip, the Evangelist, had four gifted daughters. (Acts 21:8,9.)
At least 6 popes were laymen prior to their elevation to the papacy: St Peter, St Fabian {20th P.}, Leo VIII {133}, Benedict VIII {144th}, John XIX {145th} and Benedict IX {146th}.
At least 4 popes were married with children prior to their elevation: St Felix III {48th}, St Hormisdas {52nd}, Adrian II {107th} and Clement IV {181st}.
At least 1 pope had a mistress/mistresses (unknown illegitimate children), prior to his elevation to the papacy: Boniface VIII{191st}.
At least 8 popes had a mistress/mistresses, and by them illegitimate children, prior to their elevation to the papacy: John XXII {194th}, Pius II {208th}, Innocent VIII {211th}, Alexander VI {212th}, Julius II {214th}, Paul III {218th}, Pius IV {222nd}, and Gregory XIII {224th}.
At least 2 popes had a mistress/mistresses, and by them illegitimate children, AFTER elevation to the papacy: Sergius III {121st} and Alexander VI {212th}.
At least 2 popes were born illegitimate: John XII {132nd} and Clement VII {217th}.
At least 1 pope was the son of a sub-Deacon: St Deusdedit {68th}.
At least 12 popes were the sons of a priest or bishop: St Damasus I {37th}, St Boniface I {42nd}, St Felix III {48th}, St Gelasius I {49th}, Anastasius II {50th}, St Agaptus I {57th}, Theodore I {73rd}, Marinis I {109th}, Boniface VI {113th}, Stephen VI (VII) {114th}, John XV {138th} and Adrian IV {167th} (Nicholas Breakespeare, the first English pope, who gave Ireland to the English King.)
At least 3 popes were the fathers of a future pope: Anastasius I {39th}, St Hormisdas {52nd} and Sergius III {121st}.
At least 3 popes were the sons of or descendants of a pope: St Silverius {58th}, St Gregory I (the Great) {64th}, and John XI {127th}.