WHEW…quite intense. Anyways, is lucifer both male and female?
Jeffrey said:WHEW…quite intense. Anyways, is lucifer both male and female?
I’m not sure if you mean the actress or the angel.
The actress is, well, female. Her hair, including her eyebrows, is shaved. But Lucifer, being a fallen angel, isn’t male or female. I think what Mel did there was brilliant.
If you were referring to the fallen angel, he is neither. Spirits, like fallen angels don’t possess gender, because they don’t have physical parts that could make them either. If you were referring to the actor who played the role, Blood Rain’s post above answers your question.
Jeffrey said:WHEW…quite intense. Anyways, is lucifer both male and female?
In Matthew 27:24-25, it says, “So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, ‘I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.’ And all the people answered, ‘His blood be on us and on our children!’”Weren’t they also supposed to change a few other scenes (words)? Anyone know what they are?
Jeffrey said:[A]
t the movies Jesus said, “It is finished”…on the DVD He said “It is accomplished”…]
Talked to my wife earlier…she saw the movie in the theatrres…and with me on DVD…she said they did change the scene on the Cross…at the movies Jesus said, “It is finished”…on the DVD He said “It is accomplished”, Mel did this to appease the Jews, they feared anti-semtism(sp?). Too bad…there was nothing anti-semetic about it IMO. Weren’t they also supposed to change a few other scenes (words)? Anyone know what they are?
I thought that was a great thing to add, too.The first is when Mary is startled in her sleep, just as Jesus is arrested. As she awakes, we see the Christian Passover beginning with the same words that are spoken at the beginning of the Jewish Passover/Seder Meal. “Why is this night different than any other night”. What a brilliant connection.
This was such a heartbreaking moment. I loved this movie for many reasons, one of the main ones being that it really humanized the Blessed Mother. I understood the human Jesus, but Mary for some reason always seemed too perfect, too virtuous, and somehow untouchable.Lastly, the scene where a young Mary runs for her fallen child paralleling the scene where a mature Mary runs for her fallen adult child Jesus. Any parent can begin to understand her suffering from that scene.