Watched the Passion

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WHEW…quite intense. Anyways, is lucifer both male and female?
I’m not sure if you mean the actress or the angel.

The actress is, well, female. Her hair, including her eyebrows, is shaved. But Lucifer, being a fallen angel, isn’t male or female. I think what Mel did there was brilliant.
Jeffrey said:
WHEW…quite intense. Anyways, is lucifer both male and female?

If you were referring to the fallen angel, he is neither. Spirits, like fallen angels don’t possess gender, because they don’t have physical parts that could make them either. If you were referring to the actor who played the role, Blood Rain’s post above answers your question.

Gerry 🙂
I agree. The androgenous look of the satan character was a great artistic insight. Satan is the great deceiver and this portrayal adds a physical dimension to this aspect of satan’s character. The entire movie blew me away.
Thx all…I was referring to the fallen angel. Not the actress. Altho, the Bible always calls lucifer a he is why I asked.

Loved the movie…even learned some things…as well as relearned a few…have to be honest tho…I covered my eyes alot…just couldn’t take it. I think its GREAT what Jesus did for us, I dunno if I was alive back then if I could just sit by and watch, I would’ve tried to help him.
I’m not sure if you mean the actress or the angel.

The actress is, well, female. Her hair, including her eyebrows, is shaved. But Lucifer, being a fallen angel, isn’t male or female. I think what Mel did there was brilliant.
If you were referring to the fallen angel, he is neither. Spirits, like fallen angels don’t possess gender, because they don’t have physical parts that could make them either. If you were referring to the actor who played the role, Blood Rain’s post above answers your question.

Gerry 🙂
Jeffrey said:
WHEW…quite intense. Anyways, is lucifer both male and female?

I am unsure but as someone else stated it was a female in the part. I just finished watching it. It was eerie how many times he appeared in the movie. Just makes you realize how he is always there.
Talked to my wife earlier…she saw the movie in the theatrres…and with me on DVD…she said they did change the scene on the Cross…at the movies Jesus said, “It is finished”…on the DVD He said “It is accomplished”, Mel did this to appease the Jews, they feared anti-semtism(sp?). Too bad…there was nothing anti-semetic about it IMO. Weren’t they also supposed to change a few other scenes (words)? Anyone know what they are?
In a discussion of the movie by the film makers, it was learned that the devil was suppose to be a type of Anti-Mary. Remember the devil holding that awful looking baby? Think back and it seems proper. There must be great fear of Mary on the part of the devil. Mary, the New Eve, will crush the head of the serpent.

Deacon Tony SFO
Weren’t they also supposed to change a few other scenes (words)? Anyone know what they are?
In Matthew 27:24-25, it says, “So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, ‘I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.’ And all the people answered, ‘His blood be on us and on our children!’”

When I saw the movie at the theater, I seem to recall that, although the words, “His blood be on us and on our children,” were spoken in Latin, they did not appear in the subtitles. I could be wrong but when I watched the video, I didn’t notice the words being spoken and, of course, they were not in the subtitles. Maybe that part of the scene was cut…I’ll have to go back and watch the video again and pay closer attention…
Jeffrey said:
t the movies Jesus said, “It is finished”…on the DVD He said “It is accomplished”…]

Actually, I’m fairly certain that the theatrical version had Christ’s final words subtitled as “It is accomplished.” I remember thinking it was odd that they did not use “It is finished” when I watched it in theatres.
I watched the DVD the other night. A couple of parts really hit me:

The first is when Mary is startled in her sleep, just as Jesus is arrested. As she awakes, we see the Christian Passover beginning with the same words that are spoken at the beginning of the Jewish Passover/Seder Meal. “Why is this night different than any other night”. What a brilliant connection.

With regard to the devil, I notice that he seems to appear when Jesus is weakened. When he is on hands and knees in the Garden of Gethsemane, when he is being scourged, when he is carrying the cross. When you think about it, that’s when the devil tempts all of us - when we are weakened. I particularly like the way that Mary intervened - the Holy Mother intervened to fight off the devil when Jesus was at his weakest. The scene where Mary and the devil stare each other down is inspiring to anyone with a devotion to Mary.

There is an extremely tender moment when the wife of Pilate brings linens to Mary. Mary then uses the linens to wipe up Jesus’ blood. I interpret this to be the same as if we spilled somre precious blood from the chalice in church. The precious blood of Jesus couldn’t be left on the ground. Somehow Pilate’s wife understood this.

When Jesus is in the prison cell, Mary senses his presence and gets down on the ground, pressing her face to the pavement. When I was in the Holy Land, I was in what is believed to be the prison cell - on the site of the house of the High Priest Caiphas. That scene brought back wonderful memories for me.

Lastly, the scene where a young Mary runs for her fallen child paralleling the scene where a mature Mary runs for her fallen adult child Jesus. Any parent can begin to understand her suffering from that scene.
One of my favorite parts was when Our Lord had a flashback to his younger life. It was when he fell down and Mary ran over to pick Him up immediately. I loved it. 🙂
My favorite part of the movie was when my mom was happy to call her Catholic daughter to ask a question about the film.😉

She called once to ask about Veronica – she knew the woman had a name. One her fellow fundy church mates asked where in the Bible it said that. My mom answered, “Not everything is in the Bible!” Wow, I almost welcomed her back to the Catholic faith.

I just remember the constant humiliation and torture – to me that was my ongoing sins. :crying:
Satan is neither male nor female.

This is because God did not make angels in His image.

As woman, and as man, we are made in His image.

The reason why in Scriptures and among us human beings we refer to Satan as “him” is because the masculine pronoun serves also as the “both” and/or the “either” as well as the “masculine.”

Language is limited that way. We don’t refer to Satan as “it,” either… I suppose because Satan is alive.

Or, not. Nothing is deader than sin… unless it’s someone (“some-it”) that rejoices in sin.

And definitely, YES! That’s why we pray the rosary – an especially POWERFUL prayer because, among other things, this method of prayer helps to bring us closer to contemplating the face of Christ… and His life… and our lives and selves in relationship to Him and His life…

Ever since I saw The Passion of The Christ, my saying of the rosary has become MUCH more rich, and deep, and solid, and sure… I get so weak sometimes just contemplating the AWESOMENESS of it all!
I watched it again for the 3rd time, twice in the theater and now on DVD. I was paying particular attention to the times satan appears… that haunting voice when he says something like “laytay” (meaning never I think) when Jesus was in the Garden…then when his heel struck the head of the serpent…foretolf in Genesis.
The whole movie just gave me more and deeper insights and I felt just as moved to tears as before… I shall watch it many times more that’s for sure!
I now have a better appreciation for Christ’s agony in the garden, thanks to the Passion.

I love where Jesus stomps the head of the serpent. I think of that scene whenever I’m tempted toward sin.

I have been touched by the presence of the Dove during the scenes with Pilot. Has anyone read much about the presence of the Holy spirit in that scene?
Jn1 32
John testified further, saying, "I saw the Spirit come down like a dove 24
from the sky and remain upon him.
*33 *I did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, ’On whomever you see the Spirit come down and remain, he is the one who will baptize with the holy Spirit.’

*34Now I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God." *

*Thanks for sharing:) *
I don’t see how that particular change would fuel anti-semitism…but I do know that when Jesus is before Pilate and Pilate ask the people what they should do with him, the subtitles do not represent what is spoken by the crowd…I can’t remember the actual words, but it is something to the effect “His blood is on our hands”. You can hear it being said, and if you can speak Latin…you can understand it, but it is not said in the subtitles, because he didn’t want to fuel anti-semitism.
Talked to my wife earlier…she saw the movie in the theatrres…and with me on DVD…she said they did change the scene on the Cross…at the movies Jesus said, “It is finished”…on the DVD He said “It is accomplished”, Mel did this to appease the Jews, they feared anti-semtism(sp?). Too bad…there was nothing anti-semetic about it IMO. Weren’t they also supposed to change a few other scenes (words)? Anyone know what they are?
THere are so many great things about this movie. First…Mel Gibson said he chose the character who played Satan because, 1st Satan is gender neutral and 2nd because he believes evil or Satan is always a likeable temptation, he picked a woman who has the potential to be attractive, but at the same time, she is withdrawn and troublesome.

Also…I think this movie did a great job of presenting the human aspect of Christ. It makes his sacrafice that much greater…Yes, he was Divine…but he was also human. He had the same fears we have…he had the same temptations we have…he had the same fears we have…he felt the same pain we feel…and with all those things in mind…think about the love he had for us. It is unimaginable…it is the story of the Passion that is at the heart of my very being…Christ is so amazing.
The first is when Mary is startled in her sleep, just as Jesus is arrested. As she awakes, we see the Christian Passover beginning with the same words that are spoken at the beginning of the Jewish Passover/Seder Meal. “Why is this night different than any other night”. What a brilliant connection.
I thought that was a great thing to add, too.
Lastly, the scene where a young Mary runs for her fallen child paralleling the scene where a mature Mary runs for her fallen adult child Jesus. Any parent can begin to understand her suffering from that scene.
This was such a heartbreaking moment. I loved this movie for many reasons, one of the main ones being that it really humanized the Blessed Mother. I understood the human Jesus, but Mary for some reason always seemed too perfect, too virtuous, and somehow untouchable.
So far I’ve only seen it once in the theaters. My mother really wants to see it, so I might buy her the DVD & watch it with her, although I think it would lose something on the small screen. I think you could watch this 10 times and always see something you never noticed before. It was so rich in symbolism, and the flashback scenes were so effective in making those connections.

It will be interesting to see my own reaction after a second viewing. A few months after I saw it, I began to think that the portrayal of the Blessed Mother was too stoic (this was after a discussion with a friend who said that he couldn’t identify much with Jesus or Mary as characters because they were too perfect). However, with the release of the DVD I started seeing clips in the ads & the re-play of the interviews on EWTN & I realized that the actress’ interpretation was spot on & still incredibly moving. You see all the sorrow in her eyes - she doesn’t need to be wailing.
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