I’m a Baptized and Confirmed Catholic who’s had an on-and-off relationship with the Church for years. It got worse when I went to college.
I came in not sure about the Church, but got involved in a Catholic youth group on campus. The members were very uncharitable, so I stopped going. My boyfriend and I visited an LDS church and immediately got attention from the missionaries. At the third or so lesson, they proposed getting baptized so we basically stopped contacting with them. That was last year. They started contacting us again and we’re in the same position now.
I was actually strongly considering it, but now that it’s in my face I’m getting so scared of severely distancing myself from the Catholic Church by “rebaptizing.” I know that if I moved forward in the LDS church that I might be asked to formally detach myself from Rome, which would effectively mean no going back.
I haven’t been to Mass in months, but now that I’m facing the prospect of never being able to participate in it again it makes me so terrified and heartbroken that I cry. There are also some precepts of the Church (specifically the sanctity of life [especially as it applies to birth control and abortion], the Host becoming the literal Body and Blood of our Lord, and the indisolvablity of the Sacrament of Marriage) that I believe very strongly in and don’t want to let go of.
The main thing that drives me away from the Church is the lack of unity and respect for Doctrine in the general population. In my periods of faith, I am a fairly tradionally-minded Catholic, but I feel like most Catholics are lukewarm ones who: knowingly take Communion in a state of mortal sin; just go to Mass on holidays/when visiting practicing family; don’t know anything about the Church or their beliefs; practice to some degree (or claim to) to appease devout family members who would guilt them horribly if they didn’t. Even our current Pope doesn’t seem to respect Traditions or Doctrines that define our Church.
I love our Church but I feel like She is falling apart from within. I want to be a good Catholic but I don’t even know how because it seems like at least half the guidance out there is inaccurate and sometimes even literal heresy. I love traditional Latin Mass, but I live in a college town with only one Catholic church which has very contemporary services and very casually dressed attendants. Sometimes I’m reluctant to go to Confession because I’m worried the priest will misguide me. It makes me feel hopeless, and I turn to other options but always feel drawn back to the Church.
I came in not sure about the Church, but got involved in a Catholic youth group on campus. The members were very uncharitable, so I stopped going. My boyfriend and I visited an LDS church and immediately got attention from the missionaries. At the third or so lesson, they proposed getting baptized so we basically stopped contacting with them. That was last year. They started contacting us again and we’re in the same position now.
I was actually strongly considering it, but now that it’s in my face I’m getting so scared of severely distancing myself from the Catholic Church by “rebaptizing.” I know that if I moved forward in the LDS church that I might be asked to formally detach myself from Rome, which would effectively mean no going back.
I haven’t been to Mass in months, but now that I’m facing the prospect of never being able to participate in it again it makes me so terrified and heartbroken that I cry. There are also some precepts of the Church (specifically the sanctity of life [especially as it applies to birth control and abortion], the Host becoming the literal Body and Blood of our Lord, and the indisolvablity of the Sacrament of Marriage) that I believe very strongly in and don’t want to let go of.
The main thing that drives me away from the Church is the lack of unity and respect for Doctrine in the general population. In my periods of faith, I am a fairly tradionally-minded Catholic, but I feel like most Catholics are lukewarm ones who: knowingly take Communion in a state of mortal sin; just go to Mass on holidays/when visiting practicing family; don’t know anything about the Church or their beliefs; practice to some degree (or claim to) to appease devout family members who would guilt them horribly if they didn’t. Even our current Pope doesn’t seem to respect Traditions or Doctrines that define our Church.
I love our Church but I feel like She is falling apart from within. I want to be a good Catholic but I don’t even know how because it seems like at least half the guidance out there is inaccurate and sometimes even literal heresy. I love traditional Latin Mass, but I live in a college town with only one Catholic church which has very contemporary services and very casually dressed attendants. Sometimes I’m reluctant to go to Confession because I’m worried the priest will misguide me. It makes me feel hopeless, and I turn to other options but always feel drawn back to the Church.