Way too many BIBLES!

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I have recently converted to the faith. But I have a dilemma. I have way too many Bibles. All various versions and what not. These are from my Protestant/antiCatholic days so I really don’t want to hang on to them. (Especially being that they do not contain the full canon of Sacred Scripture). What do I do with them all? Burn 'em? Bury 'em? Donate 'em (Feel like the foot notes and my written notes would lead folks away from the fullness of truth though) :confused:
mm donate…

wouldn’t mind adding more to my collection…especially study Bibles…😃
I would go through them and separate them into ordinary Protestant study Bibles and Bibles that you feel, either through their commentary or your own margin writing, could potentially undermine someone else’s faith.

The regular Protestant Bibles I would donate, as they are still the Word of God. The St. Vincent dePaul thrift stores would accept them, as would any of the mission groups that try to provide Bibles to those in remote and poor parts of the USA.

The other Bibles, that you will have to make a judgment on. I would double-review these Bibles–if you still feel that by giving out these Bibles you would be doing more harm to a person’s soul than good (and I have no idea what the “line” would be for this…) then you would be ok with burning them I think.

If you do not want to burn them, then another option might be to give them to an apologetics library or theological/seminary library–I know that I myself have looked in some of these places to see what anti-Catholics have said, so that I am better prepared to defend myself and my Faith. Then again, there is a risk in this, in that I know of more than one former Catholic “apologist” who turned against the Faith because of reading some anti-Catholic material that he liked… :nope:

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