I don’t really know what to think about this idea… I noticed in the Catechism that St. Thomas Aquinas said “the only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods.” (460)
I reason that what Aquainas basically means is that while God lives in us, and we in Him, we are one with Him. --One with the Trinity. Jesus even mentioned something about the Father being in the Son, and the Son being in us Christians (John 17:21-23). But how does that make us Christians gods? A god is someone/thing to be worshiped or revered. I really doubt we humans should come close to the idea that we might be worshiped (at least, within the true Christian faith). I’m sorry if I offend anyone, but to me that sounds much more like something Satan would tell humans: “you’ll be a god.”
Also on that same note, though this is a somewhat different thing, there’s a theory I’ve heard that goes something like this: in the beginning there was one consciousness, one God. But God wanted to fellowship with others, so He split Himself up into different persons (this theory says those persons would be us humans). And with that, it is said that we ourselves are God. Literally. Just like little water droplets: they combine to make one, but at the moment, they’re individual.
The problem I have with this theory is that it rules out God’s creation of us. (And it blots out the truth of the Trinity) Yes we have souls, I believe, but souls that were magnificently created by God. --Not souls that were broken off of God Himself! Right?
Any comments? Thank you.
I reason that what Aquainas basically means is that while God lives in us, and we in Him, we are one with Him. --One with the Trinity. Jesus even mentioned something about the Father being in the Son, and the Son being in us Christians (John 17:21-23). But how does that make us Christians gods? A god is someone/thing to be worshiped or revered. I really doubt we humans should come close to the idea that we might be worshiped (at least, within the true Christian faith). I’m sorry if I offend anyone, but to me that sounds much more like something Satan would tell humans: “you’ll be a god.”
Also on that same note, though this is a somewhat different thing, there’s a theory I’ve heard that goes something like this: in the beginning there was one consciousness, one God. But God wanted to fellowship with others, so He split Himself up into different persons (this theory says those persons would be us humans). And with that, it is said that we ourselves are God. Literally. Just like little water droplets: they combine to make one, but at the moment, they’re individual.
The problem I have with this theory is that it rules out God’s creation of us. (And it blots out the truth of the Trinity) Yes we have souls, I believe, but souls that were magnificently created by God. --Not souls that were broken off of God Himself! Right?
Any comments? Thank you.