"We Believe"....Does this exist?

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Having spent some time on these boards being impressed with those Catholics who really seem to know their ‘stuff’…I’m also noticing a lot of fellow ‘cradle catholics’ are as amazed as I am to find out just how little of our religion we ended up ‘knowing’ after all our years of education in the system.

I’ve always considered myself a practicing Catholic…but until this board came up it hadn’t occured to me that what I was ‘practicing’ was whatever I picked up from my schooling and my parents, and now I’m finding out the reasons behind why I’ve been doing what I’ve been doing all along.

I would like to know if there is a program sponsored by the Catholic church for learning the Catechism. I’m thinking of a format as they use for Bible Studies…our diocese has a video tape we watch from an expert to discuss the particular passages of the bible we read for each week…then there’s a workbook which have questions we reflect on and discuss our answers.

I’d like to see a program like that for the Catechism. A video with someone explaining the particular section of the catechism, then some q&a time to offer the opportunity to really ‘get it’.

Has anyone come across a program like that?
Programs like that depend entirely on the diocese and their education ministry. Lack of adequate adult faith-formation is literally a global problem in the Church, but questions like yours are exactly how such programs can begin! Contact your diocese’s office of education (or equivalent of) and ask if there is any program like that in the works. Chat about it with your parishoners and priest. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how many others would be interested in a Catechism class too! 🙂 It is the task of the Church to teach the flock, but the flock’s gotta speak up 👋 on what they want to learn.
I don’t know what it is like in the US but in Melbourne at least there is a good possibility that such classes would be taught by someone who dissented from the Magisterium and so the class would be worse than useless. 😦
I would like to know if there is a program sponsored by the Catholic church for learning the Catechism. I’m thinking of a format as they use for Bible Studies…

Has anyone come across a program like that?
I highly recommend the Catholic Home Study Program for beginning your studies. It is not a video series but the materials are free as I recall and the course’s they offer are very good. I think they offer it over the net also now as well as sending the booklets and tests to your home so you can email Questions to the instructors.

Catholic Home Study Courses

This one is excellant.

Fr John Hardon S.J. Series for Adult Catholic learning

Here are some other ones but I have not taken their courses so cannot vouch for them.

Other Adult Programs available are:


For the UK I found this one. Again have no idea if it is a good one.

Maryvale UK Adult Home Study Course
Having spent some time on these boards being impressed with those Catholics who really seem to know their ‘stuff’…I’m also noticing a lot of fellow ‘cradle catholics’ are as amazed as I am to find out just how little of our religion we ended up ‘knowing’ after all our years of education in the system.

I’ve always considered myself a practicing Catholic…but until this board came up it hadn’t occured to me that what I was ‘practicing’ was whatever I picked up from my schooling and my parents, and now I’m finding out the reasons behind why I’ve been doing what I’ve been doing all along.

I would like to know if there is a program sponsored by the Catholic church for learning the Catechism. I’m thinking of a format as they use for Bible Studies…our diocese has a video tape we watch from an expert to discuss the particular passages of the bible we read for each week…then there’s a workbook which have questions we reflect on and discuss our answers.

I’d like to see a program like that for the Catechism. A video with someone explaining the particular section of the catechism, then some q&a time to offer the opportunity to really ‘get it’.

Has anyone come across a program like that?
here’s a great place to start…

I also highly recommend the books used in the Catholc Home Study Course. This series of books is very good and what I used for my RCIA studies. I belong to a very small parish and was the only RCIA candidate last year. The church provided the books for me and I came in to the church 10 April 2004. I also recommend buying a copy of the “Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition”. (the big green book:thumbsup: ) It is a wonderful resource.
I also highly recommend the books used in the Catholc Home Study Course. This series of books is very good and what I used for my RCIA studies. I belong to a very small parish and was the only RCIA candidate last year. The church provided the books for me and I came in to the church 10 April 2004. I also recommend buying a copy of the “Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition”. (the big green book:thumbsup: ) It is a wonderful resource.
I recommend the Catholic Home Study Services courses also. 👍 The Catechism Handbook course is very to the point.

I would recommend The Apostolate’s Family Catechism by Rev Lawrence G Lovasik, S.V.D. “The Vatican-approved Apostolate’s Family Catechism unites the family with the school. Combined with the catechism audio and video tapes featuring Roman Curia Cardinal Francis Arinze, it draws people into a deeper understanding of the Faith and protects them with the Truth. The associated Teacher’s Guides, Handbooks, Student Workbooks, and other Family Catechism Supplements make a comprehensive multi-media catechetical program, for use in family, CCD, RCIA, school and parish-wide formation.”
The Apostolate’s Family Catechism
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